Student Led Conferences (SLCs) are coming up soon. SLCs will be hosted via Zoom from March 7th-10th (see Week 26 schedule below). Please the see attached documents here for details from each grade level about SLCs:
Happy three day weekend! We hope all of you have a safe, restful, and enjoyable holiday weekend. Because of the Monday holiday, Tuesday will be an all periods day for our students next week. See the schedule below:
Key dates & upcoming events:
Feb. 21st: NO SCHOOL (President’s Day Holiday)
Mar. 4th: Black History Month CD Assembly
Mar. 7th-10th: Student Led Conferences (via Zoom) *Schedules and Details coming soon*
Mar. 11th: NO SCHOOL (Professional Development Day)
DVD was feeling the love yesterday as we kicked off Spirit Week! As each Da Vinci Design student came up the stairs yesterday, they were handed a fresh flower by one of our Leadership students or a faculty administrator. And after that, our Seniors had the opportunity to celebrate their recent win in a grade-level design challenge with some shaved ice as they heard some important Senior announcements. Check out some of the photos below!
We wanted to extend a special thank you to Conroy’s Flowers Redondo Beach for being such an excellent partner for our morning flower event, providing DVD with an assortment of hundreds of beautiful, fresh cut flowers. Thank you Conroy’s!
And, we wanted to extend another thank you to Ray Houser of Philly Gourmet Ice (IG: @phillygourmetice) for providing delicious Italian shaved ice for all of our Seniors. Thank you Philly Gourmet Ice!
And finally, events like this are made possible thanks to our extended Da Vinci Design community for supporting our school with donations so that we can host fun events like these! If you or someone you know would like to make a contribution to Da Vinci Design, you may do so at our giving website here and select “Da Vinci Design”.
In honor of February being Black History Month, our DVD Black Student Union has been working hard to recognize the importance of black history on our campus. DVD BSU has produced a beautiful new display in the display case in the 1st floor atrium, and around our campus. See a photo below of some of our awesome DVD BSU team! This will all culminate in our annual Black History Month Community Dialogue on Friday, March 4th.
And, next week is Spirit Week! Students are encouraged to dress up and participate in the following dress up days – click here to see the Spirit Week flyer:
It is that time of year, Seniors, where lots of exciting things start happening: Senior Projects, Grad Nite, Prom and Graduation are coming up before we know it. So much good stuff to look forward to!
On Monday during Advisory, Seniors will meet with DVD admin and teachers to hear about upcoming Senior Activities. Information will be handed out during that meeting, students will be able to ask questions, and a Senior Activities Contract will be distributed that all Seniors will be expected to sign. If you would like a preview of this informational handout, including dates and ticket prices, click here: DVD Senior Activities 2022
Calendar Dates for Senior Events:
Prom: Friday, May 6th, 2022
Grad Nite (@ Disneyland & CA Adventure): Saturday, May 21st, 2022
Graduation: Thursday, June 9th, 2022 (tent. 5pm ceremony start)
*For questions about Senior Activities, including Prom or Graduation, please see the handout above for the appropriate contact. Thank you!*
Parent/Guardian Info Meeting about Senior Projects on 2/17 at 6pm:
A letter went home with Seniors this week introducing Senior Projects: DVD Senior Projects 2022 Letter (2.7.22 Version). Please read the information on this letter to learn more about this important and exciting DVD signature practice!
Happy Friday – and happy three-day weekend to our students and families! Here is a preview of next week, including some announcements:
Coffee with Admin: 2/3/22
Thanks to all of our families who were able to join us this week for our “Coffee w/ Admin” meetings! For this meeting, we discussed:
Feb 7th-11th: National Counseling Week – Counselors will be making announcements and pushing out materials all week long focusing on academics, college, and the socioemotional health of our students.
Tomorrow at 8am and at 5pm, Ms. Acuna and Mr. Stoll would like to welcome parents and guardians to our February Coffee w/ Admin meeting! For this meeting, we will be discussing Covid-19 updates, annual feedback survey data, an app called MySchoolBucks, and we will also be introducing you to some of our staff members who joined our Design team this semester!
This week, we had a great time reconnecting in our seminar classes! Students are gearing up for a fun and productive semester doing everything from screen printing and hand-building ceramics to chalk art and studying character design.
Next week, we have a short week, and students will not be in classes on February 4th due to a staff professional development day.
Also, on Thursday, 2/3, we are welcoming all parents and guardians to meet with DVD administrators for a “Coffee with Admin” session both before and after school. For this “Coffee with Admin” session, we will be discussing school updates and also introducing you to new members of our Da Vinci Design team. Please join us for an AM session at 8am or a PM session at 5pm. A message and a Zoom link will be sent to families via email next week.
Upcoming Key Dates & Events:
February 2nd: DVD School Site Council Meeting #2
Zoom Link:
Agenda: 1) Comprehensive Site Safety Plan review, 2) Preview of A-G Improvement Grant Draft
February 3rd: Coffee w/ Admin Parent Meeting Zoom Link:
AM session: 8am, PM session: 5pm
February 4th: Staff Professional Development (No School)
This week, we have a full five-day ahead of us and seminars begin! Students were able to select seminar during Week 19 and will start meeting in their seminars this week.
We look forward to another great week!
Note: Students who need additional time to complete MAP testing may be called out during seminar periods or class periods to do so. Students will be notified this week prior. Students with questions may reach out to Asst. Principal Acuna: .
Please have at least three options in mind for M/W seminars AND for T/Th seminars before coming to sign up, just in case your top choice gets filled up early. There are lots of great seminars to choose from!