Week 22 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was National School Counseling Week! Thank you to our amazing counseling team for planning activities and announcements fitting this year’s theme: “Helping Students Thrive”. Counselors: we appreciate you and all you do for our students!

This week also kicked off Black History Month! Our DVD Black Student Union has decorated our grade-level hubs, and has also designed an installation on display in the atrium on the first floor in collaboration with BSUs from other campuses. We will have our annual Black History Month Community Dialogue assembly on 2/21 with performances, games, and presentations recognizing and honoring Black History Month.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 22:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

    • *CANCELLED* All-Schools Winter Dance!
  • Mon, Feb. 10th: Community Learning Day (CLD) #3
  • Tues, Feb 11th – Fri, Feb 14th: Spring Spirit Week!
    • See flyer with Spirit Days below!
  • Tues, Feb. 11th: Parent Advisory Committee #4
    • 5pm via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome, Introductions and Public Comment, 2) School Safety Plan Review, 3) WASC Updates & Visit Preparations, 4) LCAP: Goal 2 Review
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 14th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Feb. 17th: NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day Holiday

Week 22: Spring Spirit Week!

Senior Activities 2025

Class Of 2025 PNG, Vector, PSD, and Clipart With Transparent ...

Hello Seniors and Senior Families:

You’re almost at the finish line! This week in English class, DVD’s Dean Ms. B presented important information for the Class of 2025.

See the link here for important dates and details regarding Senior Activities! 
Senior Activities One-Sheet: Class of 2025

Important Class of 2025 Dates:

Prom – Friday, May 2, 2025
Disneyland Grad Nite – Friday, June 6, 2025
Graduation Ceremony – Thursday, June 12, 2025 @ 5pm


Cupid Shuffle Dance Canceled

Attention DVD students and families:

We have made the decision to cancel the Cupid Shuffle Dance scheduled for Friday, February 7th.

We know the students were excited about the event, and we’re sorry for any inconvenience. If you’ve already bought a ticket, a refund will be issued.

Thanks for your understanding.


“Coffee with Admin” for DVD Families (via Zoom) Tomorrow at 8am and 5pm

Good Morning DVD Parents and Guardians,

Tomorrow, Wednesday Feb. 5th at 8am and 5pm join the DVD admin team for our monthly “Coffee with Admin” chat. Simply log on via Zoom and bring any school-related questions, or just sit back, relax, and hear about school updates. This will be our fifth Coffee with Admin of the 2024-25 school year. Hope to see you there!

Wed, Feb. 5th: Coffee w/ Admin

  • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
  • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
  • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Staff and Student Survey Feedback, 4) Q&A
  • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069

Week 21 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was Neurodiversity Celebration week at DVD! Throughout the week, students participated in fun and engaging activities designed to celebrate our unique differences. We also unveiled a permanent sensory wall installation created by students which serves as a powerful reminder of disability awareness. We ended the week with a Community Dialogue celebration, with all-stars and games, too. See more pictures below!

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 21:

The final Da Vinci Schools “FAFSA Fridays Workshop Series” is on Feb. 7th. You can register here for the upcoming workshop. Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material. Click here for more information, flyer, and QR sign-up.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Feb. 3rd & Tues, Feb. 4th: 9th Grade Physical Fitness Testing
  • Wed, Feb. 5th: Coffee w/ Admin
    • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
    • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Staff and Student Survey Feedback, 4) Q&A
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
    • Fri, Feb. 7th is also the All-Schools Winter Dance!
  • Mon, Feb. 10th: Community Learning Day (CLD) #3
  • Tues, Feb. 11th: Parent Advisory Committee #4
    • 5pm via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome, Introductions and Public Comment, 2) School Safety Plan Review, 3) WASC Updates & Visit Preparations, 4) LCAP: Goal 2 Review
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 14th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Feb. 17th: NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day Holiday

Week 20 Campus Highlight: Neurodiversity Celebration Week

El Camino Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment

Hello DVD Juniors and Seniors,

This upcoming Spring semester, Da Vinci Schools is offering three dual enrollment courses.


COMS 100- Public Speaking



BUS 101- Introduction to Business


(Asynchronous, Online)

HDEV 110

(Asynchronous, online)

In this course, students will compose, present, and evaluate original speeches. Emphasis is placed on audience analysis, topic selection, research, evidence, organization, delivery, and critical analysis of persuasive communication. Students are required to attend out-of-class speaking events.



3 units

Transfer CSU, UC

*meets graduation requirements at most CSUs

Start Date: February 18th, 2024

This course is a survey of organization and management factors influencing the establishment, location, and operation of businesses. This course emphasizes the functional area of accounting as well as the legal framework within which business activities are conducted. The course also emphasizes the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in a multicultural and globalized environment.


3 units

Transfer CSU, UC

Start Date: February 18th, 2024

This course provides an exploration of cognitive, psychological, social and physical factors influencing success.
Topics include personal responsibility, critical thinking, motivation, self-efficacy, lifelong learning, health and
wellness, and interpersonal communication in a diverse world. Students will identify and utilize strategies and
resources for success in college, careers, and life.3 units;Transfer CSU, UC 


Start Date: February 18th, 2024

Who: Juniors and Seniors from DVC, DVD, and DVS. Based on academic performance and review.  10th grade students will need El Camino dean approval (this means students will need to email the dept. dean at El Camino directly before submitting the dual enrollment form – please see Miss Pam for directions).

What: College courses at Da Vinci Schools, through El Camino College. Courses meet transfer requirements for most Cal State and UC campuses, as well as most private colleges and universities.

Why: Get a start on your college credits! It looks great on your college applications.

Cost: Free! The state of California and Da Vinci Schools pick up the costs, including textbook fees. Donations to help cover the cost of the textbooks from families that can are appreciated.

Where: Classes will be held virtually on the El Camino College student portal (Canvas & MyECC).

To be eligible to take a dual enrollment class, the student will need to pass all their academic classes from first semester, have no credit recovery for A-G classes, and be a junior or senior student. Space is limited and we are accepting forms on a first come first serve basis!

For more information click on the following links:

Applying to El Camino College

Application for Admission Help

Dual Enrollment Application

Please complete application and dual enrollment forms to your counselor ASAP as the Spring term is starting soon!

Thank you,

DVD Counselors

Spring Dance on Feb. 7th – Tickets Available Now!

Get Ready to Dance at “The Cupid Shuffle” – DV’s Spring Dance!

Da Vinci is excited to host “The Cupid Shuffle”—this year’s Spring Dance—on Friday, February 7th, from 6:00 PM to 9:00 PM, with a sensory-friendly hour from 5:00 PM to 6:00 PM.

Ticket Information:

  • Presale: $25 (available through MySchoolBucks)
  • Deadline for Online Purchase: Thursday, February 6th, at 11:59 PM
  • At-the-Door Price: $30 (Friday, February 7th)

Event Details:

  • When: Friday, February 7th
  • Where: Da Vinci West Plaza
  • Dress Code: Semi-formal (dress up a little, but keep it comfortable!)
  • Who Can Attend: Only currently enrolled Da Vinci students (grades 9-12) – no outside guests permitted

Don’t miss out on a fun-filled night of music, dancing, and memories! Get your tickets early to save, and we’ll see you on the dance floor! [Check out the event flyer here.]

Note: We are using MySchoolBucks for the purchase of dance tickets and other school activities. Here are some resources you can use to set up your account, if you’ve never used it:

Week 20 Preview: Neurodiversity Celebration Week!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

We ended out week at DVD by recognizing a stellar group of students at our second annual POL Excellence Awards Breakfast in the Black Box Theater. At this event, students who were nominated for exceptional performances on their Fall 2024 Presentations of Learning got to do a “victory lap” presentation in a TedTalk-style format for families, friends and staff. Students presented game concepts, debate speeches, non-fiction stories, and so much more. Congrats again to our POL Excellence Awards Winners! See more pictures below!

Get ready—Neurodiversity Celebration Week is almost here!

Next week, we’re diving into an exciting celebration of how unique and diverse our brains can be. Neurodiversity is a concept that means that everyone’s brain works in its own special way, and there’s no ONE correct way to think, learn, or experience the world. We’re celebrating all the different ways people experience life, with a focus on understanding disabilities like ADHD, autism, dyslexia, Tourette Syndrome, and more.

Throughout the week, students will have the opportunity to participate in fun and engaging activities designed to celebrate these differences! We’re also excited to introduce a permanent sensory wall installation created by students, and a designated quiet space for use during passing periods. These new offerings were designed to honor the different ways people process the world around them, helping students find peace and relief amidst the hustle and bustle of school when they need it.

The Neurodiversity Student Committee has been working tirelessly since the start of the school year to bring this exciting and meaningful week to life. They’re thrilled to offer these amazing opportunities to encourage everyone to learn, grow, and celebrate the unique strengths we all bring to the table!


Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 20:

The final Da Vinci Schools “FAFSA Fridays Workshop Series” is on Feb. 7th. You can register here for the upcoming workshop. Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material. Click here for more information, flyer, and QR sign-up.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Jan. 27th – Fri, Jan 31st: Neurodiversity Celebration Week!
  • Mon, Feb. 3rd & Tues, Feb. 4th: 9th Grade Physical Fitness Testing
    • Fri, Feb. 7th is also the All-Schools Winter Dance!
  • Mon, Feb. 10th: Community Learning Day (CLD) #3
  • Fri, Feb. 14th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Feb. 17th: NO SCHOOL – Presidents’ Day Holiday

Week 19 Campus Highlight: POL Excellence Awards (Jan 2025)

Spring 2025: 9th Grade Parent/Guardian Community Group


Dear 9th Grade Parents and Guardians,


Please join us for the first session of the semester of the 9th parent/guardian community group.


This series of meetings is specifically intended for 9th grade parents/guardians at DVD! No prior attendance is required! All are welcome to join!


We hope to see you there!

Week 19 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

We want to start this week with a heartfelt “thank you” to our families, students, staff and community for the outpouring of support this week for those affected by the LA County fires. Thanks to DV community efforts, in collaboration with Pass it Forward and numerous community groups, over 2000 meals have been donated to firefighters, wildfire victims, volunteers and more.

If you are a DVD family who has been personally affected by the fires or high winds, please reach out to Principal Stoll, your counselor, or DVD Front Office as soon as possible so that we can offer support and resources. The health and safety of our students is our top priority. If you or someone you know is in need of resources at this time, please feel free to share this resource list. 

Last week, Da Vinci Design hosted its annual Alumni Winter Mixer event. This event, coordinated by counselor and alumni liaison Pam Baker, is always a special event where we get to reconnect with our Da Vinci Design graduates with lunch, a panel discussion, and lots of mingling. This year, we also had representatives from the CA State Treasurers Office present to tell students about the CALKids scholarship. See photos from the event below.

This week, students signed up for seminar classes. We begin seminars (Period 7 and 8) next week. Students will receive their new schedules on Tuesday, 1/21 to confirm their new seminars. If a student would like to request a seminar change, they can do so through their counselor or the front office by asking for a “seminar change request form”. The last day to have a seminar change request considered is Friday, January 24th.

Da Vinci Schools “FAFSA Fridays Workshop Series” continues with a workshop TODAY, Friday, January 17th from 6:00pm-7:30pm at Da Vinci Communications (DVC) in Room 3203. You can register here for upcoming workshops; the next workshop is on Feb. 7th. Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material. Click here for more information, flyer, and QR sign-up.

Next week is a special schedule while we prepare to enroll seminar classes. Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 19:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Jan. 20th: NO SCHOOL – MLK Jr. Holiday
  • Tues, Jan. 21st: Seminars (period 7 & 8) begin
  • Tues, Jan. 21st: Parent Advisory Committee #3
    • 5pm via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome, Introductions and Public Comment, 2) School Safety Plan Review. pt. 2, 3) WASC Introduction & Report Summary, 4) LCAP Goal #1 Review
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Mon, Feb. 3rd & Tues, Feb. 4th: 9th Grade Physical Fitness Testing
    • Fri, Feb. 7th is also the All-Schools Winter Dance!

Campus Highlight: Winter 2025 DVD Alumni Mixer Event

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