Week 10: Student Led Conferences This Week

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Happy Monday! This week, we have SLCs starting today. Please use the links below to access resources for each grade level.

Reminder: We have minimum days Mon-Thurs (10/17-10/20) this week. Students will be released at 1:45pm. Friday (10/21) will have normal start and end times.

The Week 10 DVD bell schedule is here:

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Click links below to access SLC materials!

It is time for us to do our bi-annual parent/guardian survey! Your positive feedback and participation is important to us. Please help us learn about our successes and about where we need to grow.

Upcoming Dates and Events:

  • 10/17-10/21*: Student-Led Conferences (SLCs)
        *SLC days are early release days: classes end at 1:45pm
  • Friday, 10/28: Community Dialogue Assembly
  • 10/31-11/4: Spirit Week!

Cash for College Event Hosted by El Camino College: Saturday, October 15 from 10am-12pm

Seniors Families!  We encourage you to attend the Cash for College event hosted by El Camino College this Saturday, October 15 from 10am-12pm. This FREE event is for seniors and their families to receive help completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act (CADAA) and Chafee Grant for Foster Youth applications.

All students and families are welcome and you do not have to be a current or future El Camino College to attend.  See flyer below for details




FAFSA webinar recording and helpful links

Thank you to all Da Vincians who joined us on Thursday 10/6 for our Financial Aid Workshop for Senior Families.  In this workshop, we provided a general overview and explanation of the federal student financial aid process. The Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) were explained along with grants, federal loans and scholarships.  The session was recorded and can be found HERE

Important Reminders and Resources on Financial Aid:


  • To complete and sign a FAFSA electronically, both the student and the parent need an FSA ID.  CLICK HERE for information/a helpful video on creating an FSA ID.


  • If you are applying to a private college, you many need to complete the FAFSA and the CSS Profile.  The CSS Profile is used to assess the student for institutional aid, which may include merit-based aid.  Here is a list of colleges that requires the CSS Profile.


  • If you are an undocumented student, you may be eligible for the state aid and institutional aid.   Please complete the DREAM Act Applicationto apply for these funds. Please connect with your counselor if you need support with this process.


  • If you are or were a foster youth, you may qualify for the CHAFEE Grant. Please connect with your counselor if you need support with this process.

As always, please reach out to your respective counselor if you have any questions.


  • The DV Counseling Team

Week 9: PSAT Day and SLCs Next Week

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week, we are looking forward to a short but impactful week! We are preparing for the PSAT Test Day on Wed, 10/12. Thursday and Friday there is no school due to staff professional development. And, we are getting ready for Student Led Conferences (aka: SLCs) next week! Every student is expected to participate in SLCs this semester. SLCs will happen on campus unless a Zoom meeting is requested. See below for SLC schedules and details.

Last week, we wrapped up with a very special Community Dialogue in honor of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month! We celebrated with banda music, dancing, student performances, and games. A special shout out goes to our Latinx Student Union, Leadership team and advisor teachers for helping to coordinate this special celebration. See photos below!

Here is special schedule for Week 9 (10/10-10/14):

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Click links below to access SLC materials!

It is time for us to do our bi-annual parent/guardian survey! Your positive feedback and participation is important to us. Please help us learn about our successes and about where we need to grow.

Upcoming Dates and Events:

  • Wednesday, 10/12: PSAT/SAT Testing Day
  • Thursday, 10/13 & Friday, 10/14: No School – Staff Development
  • 10/17-10/21*: Student-Led Conferences (SLCs)
        *SLC days are early release days: classes end at 1:45pm
  • Friday, 10/28: Community Dialogue Assembly
  • 10/31-11/4: Spirit Week!

College Visits (Week 9): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • University of California-San Diego – Tue October 11, 2022
  • Soka University of America – Wed October 12, 2022

Survey: Expanding our Arts and Languages Options

Dear Da Vinci Students and Families,

We are exploring adding additional language and arts offerings during Zero period (which will be approximately 7:25-8:35am) next semester. The goal is to make any additional offerings available to all high school students, regardless of school site.

Please complete the survey below by Friday, Oct. 14th to share your thoughts and ideas about what additional language and arts classes we should offer. There is also space on the survey to share any other thoughts or ideas you think we should know. There are two separate surveys — one for students and one for parents/guardians.

Student Survey Link: https://forms.gle/JypEbSfU138b1W34A

Parent/Guardian Survey Link: https://forms.gle/y6hbKrNGMfJvVcBS8

We thank you!

Reminder: Financial Aid Workshop Tonight

Hello Seniors Families,

Today, October 6th from 5pm – 6pm, the Da Vinci Counselors from Communications, Design, Science and Connect will be hosting a Financial Aid Workshop Night. All College applicants must fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or the California Dream Act Application (CADAA) in order to qualify for financial aid (ex. grants, loans, scholarships). The FAFSA and the CADAA opened on October 1st and is due March 2nd for CSUs, UCs, and Community Colleges in California. Financial Aid deadlines for private and out-of-state universities vary and we recommend that you check those school’s financial aid websites and apply early!

This ZOOM webinar event will allow counselors to present information on financial aid programs. There will be a Q&A in the chat feature on ZOOM. Please click on the link below to join the webinar:


We will be recording this webinar. Hope to see you there!

The DV Counseling Team

Cal Grant verification and Opt Out option

Dear Seniors & Parents,

A Cal Grant is money for college you don’t have to pay back. Cal Grants can be used at any University of California, California State University or California Community College, as well as qualifying independent (private) and career colleges or technical schools in California.

To qualify, you must apply for the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or California Dream Act Application (CADAA) by the deadline of March 2, 2023 and meet the eligibility and financial requirements as well as any minimum GPA requirements. There are three kinds of Cal Grants (A, B and C) but you don’t have to figure out which one to apply for. Your eligibility will be based on your FAFSA or CADAA responses, your verified high school Cal Grant GPA, the type of California colleges you list on your FAFSA and whether you’re a recent high school graduate. To learn more about the qualifications, please visit www.calgrants.org.

Da Vinci Design is required to submit your student’s verified GPA. By law you have the option to “opt out” of this process if you do not want Da Vinci Design to submit your student’s verified GPA. If you choose to “opt out”, this means your student will not be eligible to receive a Cal Grant. In order to “opt-out”, please complete the attached form and return to your Counselor no later than October 3, 2022.

If you do not return the “opt-out” form, Da Vinci Design will submit your student’s verified GPA to the California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) to determine your student’s Cal Grant eligibility. Click links below to obtain the opt out form in either English or Spanish.



Opt out English Form

Opt out Spanish Form

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact your student’s counselor.

Thank you,

Da Vinci Design

FAFSA Workshop Night- October 6th @ 5 pm

Hello Seniors and Families,

On Thursday, October 6th from 5pm – 6pm Da Vinci Counselors from Design, Communications, Science and Connect will be hosting a FAFSA Workshop.

All College applicants must complete and submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) in order to qualify for financial aid (ex. grants, loans, scholarships). The FAFSA opens on October 1st and is due no later than March 2nd for CSUs, UCs, and Community Colleges in California.

The FAFSA deadline for private and out-of-state colleges/universities vary. Please check those school’s financial aid websites and apply early!

This ZOOM webinar event will allow counselors to present step by step instructions on how to complete the FAFSA application. There will also be Q&A in the chat feature on ZOOM.


Please use the link below to join the webinar on October 6th.


To fully sign and submit the FAFSA, student and parent(s) must apply for their FSA ID and have it verified.  PLEASE CREATE YOUR FSA ID PRIOR TO THE FAFSA WORKSHOP.

CLICK ON THIS LINK for a helpful video that will walk you through the steps to apply for your FSA ID.  

Counselors will be recording this live webinar.

We hope to see you there!

The DV Counseling Team

Week 8 Preview: Coffee w/ Admin Zoom on Wednesday

Happy Friday Designers and Design Families,

Hard to believe that it is already October! We are looking forward to lots of great events in the coming month – including SLCs and Spirit Week. We are excited to end our week next week with a community dialogue focused on celebrating Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month!

Next week, parents/guardians are encouraged to join DVD Administrators Stoll and Tak for an informal “Coffee with Admin” meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, October 5th. There will be time for important DV updates, site specific news, and Q&A with you DVD site leaders. Hope to see you there for either our morning session (at 8am) or our afternoon session (at 5pm) via Zoom. See Zoom link below.

Here is the bell schedule for Week 8 at DVD:

Upcoming DVD Dates and Events:

  • October 5th: Coffee w/ Admin (Two Sessions: 8am & 5pm)
  • Wednesday, 10/12: PSAT/SAT Testing Day
  • Thursday, 10/13 & Friday, 10/14: No School – Staff Development
  • 10/17-10/21: Student-Led Conferences (SLCs)

College Visits (Week 8 & 9): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • University of Southern California – Mon October 3, 2022
  • Chapman University – Thu October 6, 2022
  • University of La Verne – Fri October 7, 2022
  • University of California-San Diego – Tue October 11, 2022
  • Soka University of America – Wed October 12, 2022
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