Week 23 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week at DVD, we celebrated National School Counseling Week! The purpose of National School Counseling Week is to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. We are so grateful to our amazing team of school counselors at DVD and recognize them for all they do! Thank you to Ms. Pam Baker, Ms. Nicole Tafoya, and Mr. Omar Sanchez!

On February 7th, we had our February edition of “Coffee with Admin”, our monthly check-in for parents/guardians with the DVD admin team. If you’d like to see the updates shared during our meeting, click here or see the “DVD Parent Info Sessions & Coffee with Admin Slides” link on the right side of our blog.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 23:

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Mon, Feb. 12th: Blood Drive (DVC + American Red Cross)
    • On Monday, February 12th, the DVC National Honor Society is proud to pay it forward and strengthen our community by helping to save lives. We are partnering with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive, and we need your help to make it a success.
    • We invite you to join us. If you can help, please visit the link below:
  • Fri, Feb. 23rd: Progress Reports Sent Home
  • Fri, Feb. 23rd 6pm-9pm: Spring Dance *NEW DATE*

National School Counseling Week

Happy National School Counseling week Designers!

National School Counseling Week 2024 (#NSCW24) is Feb. 5-9, 2024, to focus public attention on the unique contribution of school counselors within U.S. school systems. National School Counseling Week, sponsored by ASCA, highlights the tremendous impact school counselors can have in helping students achieve school success and plan for a career. National School Counseling Week is always celebrated the first full week in February. The 2024 theme is “School Counseling: Standards-Based, Student-Focused.”



DVD Counseling Team!

Week 22 Preview + Week 21 Wrap: Black History Month Celebration and POL Excellence Awards

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

What an exciting and fun end to our week! Today, we celebrated the start of Black History Month with our annual community dialogue celebration hosted by the DVD Black Student Union (BSU). The whole school community shared in the joy as students did a series of fantastic celebrity impersonations during the assembly today: we had dance performances from everyone from Drake to Nicki Minaj, from Rihanna to Ciara, and we even had a round of Family Feud hosted by Steve Harvey. See pictures below!

We started our morning today recognizing a stellar group of students at our first ever POL Excellence Awards Breakfast in the Black Box Theater. At this event, students who were nominated for exceptional performances on their Fall 2023 Presentations of Learning got to do a “victory lap” presentation in a TedTalk-style format for families, friends and staff. Students presented websites, architectural designs, stories, and so much more. Congrats again to our POL Excellence Awards Winners! Kinnon Palmer (9), Sarah Arambula (9), Sophia Julin (9), Ethan Dupree (10), Allison Campbell (10), Adan Barbosa (11), Isabelle Ibarra & Sandra Medina (11), Kylie Charfen-Horvath (11), Michael Garcia (12), Sophia Quintanilla (12), and Adan Victoria (12). See more pictures below!

Here is the Week 22 Bell Schedule:

Senior Activities 2024: Prom, Grad Nite, and Graduation

Seniors and Senior Families: This week in English class, DVD Dean Ms. B presented important information for the Class of 2024. See the link here for important dates and ticket regarding Senior Activities!

Important Class of 2024 Dates:

  • Prom – Friday, May 3, 2024
  • Disneyland Grad Nite – Friday, May 31, 2024
  • Graduation Ceremony – Thursday, June 6, 2024 @1pm

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Wed, Feb. 7th: Coffee w/ Admin:
    • 8am or 5pm, in-person OR via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Semester 2 Updates, 2) Fall 2023 Survey Data Share-Out, 3) Q&A with Admin
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Thursday, Feb. 8th: Senior Project Meeting for Families
  • Fri, Feb. 9th 6pm-9pm: Spring Dance!
  • Mon, Feb. 12th: Blood Drive (DVC + American Red Cross)
    • On Monday, February 12th, the DVC National Honor Society is proud to pay it forward and strengthen our community by helping to save lives. We are partnering with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive, and we need your help to make it a success.
    • We invite you to join us. If you can help, please visit the link below:
  • Fri, Feb. 23rd: Progress Reports Sent Home

Week 21 Highlights: Black History Month Celebration and POL Excellence Awards

El Camino College Dual Enrollment Information Session Recording + Presentation Slides

Happy Monday DVD Families!

We hope you had a great weekend. Thank you to all the students and parents that were able to attend the El Camino College Dual Enrollment Information session that was held on 1/25/2024.  Here is the webinar recording and Here is PDF of the presentation with hyperlinks included.

Students who are planning to enroll in Dual Enrollment courses are highly encouraged to watch the recording with their parents before applying to El Camino College.

FAFSA/Dream Act workshop Tomorrow 1/30

Da Vinci Schools is hosting a hands on FAFSA/Dream Act workshop on our campus, where an El Camino College financial aid rep will be here to answer your financial aid/FAFSA/CA Dream Act questions, help you fill out the applications, and submit that night! This is taking place on the DV Science floor on Tuesday January 30th, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Please RSVP HERE so we know how many computers will be needed.

Please have an FSA ID created and verified before the night. Please CLICK HERE to apply for an FSA ID

Please bring with you on the night:
  1. Social Security Number -parent(s) and student-
  2. Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. Citizen)
  3. Federal Income Tax Return 2022, W2’s, and other records of money earned
  4. Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  5. Records of untaxed income (if applicable)

If you have any questions, please reach out to your counselor.


Pam Baker, Last names A-GL                                Nicole Tafoya, Last names Go-O                               Omar Sanchez, Last names P-Z

pbaker@davincischools.org                                     ntafoya@davincischools.org                                      osanchez@davincischools.org

Week 21 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week, students began their new seminars classes for semester two, and there was truly something for everybody this semester: we dusted off our knitting needles for Knitting and Crochet, rolled out our mats for Yoga, got ready to pump some iron in Weightlifting, and studied our gambits in Wizard’s Chess. Seminars are a great way for students to try out new hobbies, learn a new life skill, get academic support, or unwind and move their bodies at the end of a long day of learning.

Another great way for students to mix, mingle, and learn about something new is to attend a student-led club! With the start of a new semester, its a great time to try joining a new club. Clubs meet all throughout the week during lunch and after school, and students can find a full list of clubs offered at DVD here: DVD Student Club List (2023-2024)You can also find this link in the “Resources” bar on the right side of the blog page.

See the Week 21 Bell Schedule here, as well as important upcoming events and key dates below:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Wed, Jan. 31st: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #1
    • 5pm-6pm in-person OR via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome + Introductions, 2) Purpose of Committee, 3) DVD Spotlight: What’s New for 2023-2024, 4) LCAP Overview (Goals 1 – 5), 5) LCAP: Goal 1 Review
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 2nd: Community Dialogue – Black History Month (hosted by DVD Black Student Union)
  • Wed, Feb. 7th : Coffee w/ Admin:
    • 8am or 5pm, in-person OR via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Semester 2 Updates, 2) Fall 2023 Survey Data Share-Out, 3) Q&A with Admin
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 9th 6pm-9pm: Spring Dance!
  • Mon, Feb. 12th: Blood Drive (DVC + American Red Cross)
    • On Monday, February 12th, the DVC National Honor Society is proud to pay it forward and strengthen our community by helping to save lives. We are partnering with the American Red Cross to hold a blood drive, and we need your help to make it a success.
    • We invite you to join us. If you can help, please visit the link below:


Attention Seniors!

DV counselors are hosting a hands on FAFSA/Dream Act workshop on the 201 campus, where an El Camino College financial aid rep will be here to answer your financial aid/FAFSA/CA Cream Act questions, help you fill out the applications, and submit that night! This is taking place on the DV Science campus on Tuesday January 30th, 5:30 p.m.-6:30 p.m. Please RSVP HERE so we know how many computers will be needed.*

Please have an FSA ID created and verified before the night. Please CLICK HERE to apply for an FSA ID

Please bring with you on the night:
  1. Social Security Number -parent(s) and student-
  2. Alien Registration Number (if you are not a U.S. Citizen)
  3. Federal Income Tax Return 2022, W2’s, and other records of money earned
  4. Bank statements and records of investments (if applicable)
  5. Records of untaxed income (if applicable)

If you have any questions, please reach out to your counselor.


Pam Baker, Last names A-GL                                Nicole Tafoya, Last names Go-O                               Omar Sanchez, Last names P-Z

pbaker@davincischools.org                                     ntafoya@davincischools.org                                      osanchez@davincischools.org

El Camino Dual Enrollment Information Session

Interested in taking Dual Enrollment courses during the school year and/or summer?
El Camino College is offering a Dual Enrollment Information Session for parents and students to learn more about the application process and requirements. This session is highly encouraged for students that have not registered for a Dual Enrollment class before.

Dual Enrollment Information Session (Da Vinci Schools)

Thursday, January 25th 2024

5:00-6:00 p.m.

This 1-hour workshop is for prospective high school students and parents to receive an overview of Dual Enrollment in traditional El Camino College classes as well as in classes offered in partnership with your high school.

No registration necessary – join via link below at 5:00 p.m. We hope to see you there!

Join Information Session



The deadline for Spring 2024 enrollment is Friday, February 2nd 2024
Spring 2024 Session begins on Monday, February 12th and ends on Friday, June 7th. 
Please schedule a meeting with your counselor to begin enrollment prior to the deadline.

Week 20 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

We off and running for semester two! This week, students signed up for seminar classes and will begin attending seminar classes next week. See schedule below.

Absence / Tardy Notices: DV Design is now sending both absence/tardy calls and e-mails to parents/guardians whenever your student is not in class or arrives late to a class throughout the entire day.  Parent/Guardians should be receiving a call/e-mail at 11 am and again at 4 pm for morning and afternoon classes.

Please make sure that if your student will be absent for the day or is arriving late, that you notify the school by using our new online link here:

Please refer to page 5 of the student handbook for clarification on what is considered excused/unexcused absence.

If you receive a call/e-mail indicating your child was either absent or tardy and you know your child is present at school, please make sure to either call the school at (310) 725-5800 option 4 for Design or e-mail Ms. Vannessa Ramos @ vramos@davincischools.org to verify your student is present in class. Please reach out to Vannessa Ramos if you have any further questions or concerns regarding your student’s attendance.

See the Week 20 bell schedule here:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Jan. 22 + Tues, Jan. 23: Semester 2 Seminars Begin
  • Wed, Jan. 31st: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #1
    • 5pm-6pm in-person OR via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome + Introductions, 2) Purpose of Committee, 3) DVD Spotlight: What’s New for 2023-2024, 4) LCAP Overview (Goals 1 – 5), 5) LCAP: Goal 1 Review
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 2nd: Community Dialogue – African American History Month
  • Wed, Feb. 7th : Coffee w/ Admin
    • 8am or 5pm, in-person OR via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Semester 2 Updates, 2) Fall 2023 Survey Data Share-Out, 3) Q&A with Admin
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Fri, Feb. 9th 6pm-9pm: Spring Dance!

Announcements From Real World Learning Director (1.19.2024)

Las Fotos Project is hosting a Website Development Workshop on Sunday, January 21, 2024 from 11:00am 1:30pm at Las Fotos Project, located at 2210 East Cesar E Chavez Avenue Los Angeles, CA, 90033.

Teenage girls and gender-expansive youth who are developing, or beginning to create a website, are welcome to join the workshop. It will be led by the leaders of Monforte Studio, a Queer-Women-Owned-Company brand and design studio. 

This is an intermediate-level workshop, ideal for young creatives looking to build out their creative portfolio website. Youth between the ages of 12 and 24 can participate. 

Laptops will be provided. To sign up, please click here.

Las Fotos Project’s mission is to elevate the voices of teenage girls & gender-expansive youth from communities of color through photography and mentoring, empowering them to channel their creativity for the benefit of themselves, their community, and future careers.

Learn more about amazing RWL Opportunities here!
If you have any questions please contact Ms. Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at crodriguez@davincischools.org.

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