Greetings Designers and Design Families,
Next week is the last week of the Fall semester! This means that we are only one week away from Winter Break! Next week, to get into the holiday spirit before break, we hope all of our staff and students will participate in a Holiday-themed spirit week! See the dress up days listed below!
Special 9th Grade Exhibition: Wednesday, December 20th 5:30pm-6:30pm
On Wednesday, December 20, 2023 from 5:30 – 6:30 our 9th grade students and teachers will be hosting a special Exhibition on-campus at 201 N. Douglas! Students will display and present their lamp projects, narratives, and artwork that they have been working hard on for their first semester POLs. The theme of this project is to develop and share a deeper understanding of the experience of people who are migrants and refugees. See the flyer below – and hope to see you there!
Week 18 Bell Schedule:
Report Cards Mailed Next Week and PowerSchool Access Locked: PowerSchool access is locked for end of semester report card preparation, and in order to prepare schedules for the Spring 2024 semester. If you have questions regarding Fall 2023 report cards or grades, reach out to your counselor via email. Once report cards are completed, if you have questions about a grade for a specific class or wish to contest a grade, please reach out directly via email to the teacher of that course.
Presentations of Learning (POLs) are here! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.
POL Treats for Teachers: Sign Up Here
While our students are preparing and presenting the learning they’ve achieved over the semester, our teachers are hard at work viewing and scoring those presentations. For teachers, this also means long, 8 hour days being a part of panels.
One way that we show appreciation for our teachers during these long days is keeping them fed and caffeinated. And we would love your help!
If you would like to donate snacks, treats, and coffee to our teachers, please use the sign-up to tell us what you will be dropping off.
Click here to sign up to bring a treat for teachers during POL week! Thanks!
Upcoming Events and Key Dates:
- Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
- Mon, Dec. 18th – Thurs, Dec. 21st: Holiday Spirit Week!
- Mon: Wear a holiday hat / headband
- Tues: Holiday colors and accessories
- Wed: Wear your favorite plaid / flannel shirt
- Thurs: Ugly holiday sweater!
- Tues, Dec. 19th + Wed, Dec. 20th: POL Therapy Dogs On-Campus
- Wed, Dec. 20th: 9th Grade POL Exhibition: “Illuminating Journeys” Lamps
- Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One
- Friday, Dec. 22nd: Report Cards Mailed Home
- Friday, Dec. 22nd – Monday, Jan. 15th: Winter Break (No School)
- Tues, Jan. 16th: First Day of Semester Two