Archive for Author Russell Stoll

Week 18 Preview: Last Week of Semester One

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Next week is the last week of the Fall semester! This means that we are only one week away from Winter Break! Next week, to get into the holiday spirit before break, we hope all of our staff and students will participate in a Holiday-themed spirit week! See the dress up days listed below!

Special 9th Grade Exhibition: Wednesday, December 20th 5:30pm-6:30pm

On Wednesday, December 20, 2023 from 5:30 – 6:30 our 9th grade students and teachers will be hosting a special Exhibition on-campus at 201 N. Douglas! Students will display and present their lamp projects, narratives, and artwork that they have been working hard on for their first semester POLs. The theme of this project is to develop and share a deeper understanding of the experience of people who are migrants and refugees. See the flyer below – and hope to see you there!

Week 18 Bell Schedule:

Report Cards Mailed Next Week and PowerSchool Access Locked: PowerSchool access is locked for end of semester report card preparation, and in order to prepare schedules for the Spring 2024 semester. If you have questions regarding Fall 2023 report cards or grades, reach out to your counselor via email. Once report cards are completed, if you have questions about a grade for a specific class or wish to contest a grade, please reach out directly via email to the teacher of that course.

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are here! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

POL Treats for Teachers: Sign Up Here

While our students are preparing and presenting the learning they’ve achieved over the semester, our teachers are hard at work viewing and scoring those presentations. For teachers, this also means long, 8 hour days being a part of panels.

One way that we show appreciation for our teachers during these long days is keeping them fed and caffeinated. And we would love your help!

If you would like to donate snacks, treats, and coffee to our teachers, please use the sign-up to tell us what you will be dropping off.

Click here to sign up to bring a treat for teachers during POL week! Thanks!

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
  • Mon, Dec. 18th – Thurs, Dec. 21st: Holiday Spirit Week!
    • Mon: Wear a holiday hat / headband
    • Tues: Holiday colors and accessories
    • Wed: Wear your favorite plaid / flannel shirt
    • Thurs: Ugly holiday sweater!
  • Tues, Dec. 19th + Wed, Dec. 20th: POL Therapy Dogs On-Campus
  • Wed, Dec. 20th: 9th Grade POL Exhibition: “Illuminating Journeys” Lamps
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One
  • Friday, Dec. 22nd: Report Cards Mailed Home
  • Friday, Dec. 22nd – Monday, Jan. 15th: Winter Break (No School)
  • Tues, Jan. 16th: First Day of Semester Two

Week 17 Preview: POLs Next Week

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week at DVD, we wrapped up with lots of holiday cheer and fun at our annual Holiday Community Dialogue event in the gym! We played a ton of great games like antler ring toss, a holiday themed edition of “junkyard”, and we even had a gingerbread house building competition… until the Grinch stopped, by but even he couldn’t ruin the holiday spirit. We also called up our December All-Stars. We will continue our holiday fun during Week 18 when we invite students and staff to participate in a holiday spirit week. See below for photos of our Holiday CD games and our holiday spirit week!

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are next week! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

POL Treats for Teachers: Sign Up Here

While our students are preparing and presenting the learning they’ve achieved over the semester, our teachers are hard at work viewing and scoring those presentations. For teachers, this also means long, 8 hour days being a part of panels.

One way that we show appreciation for our teachers during these long days is keeping them fed and caffeinated. And we would love your help!

If you would like to donate snacks, treats, and coffee to our teachers, please use the sign-up to tell us what you will be dropping off.

Click here to sign up to bring a treat for teachers during POL week! Thanks!

Here is the Bell Schedule for upcoming POL Weeks 17 & 18:

  • Early release of students at 1:45pm each day
  • *Special start on Friday, Friday Dec. 15th at 8:40am*

Special 9th Grade Exhibition: Wednesday, December 20th 5:30pm-6:30pm

On Wednesday, December 20, 2023 from 5:30 – 6:30 our 9th grade students and teachers will be hosting a special Exhibition on-campus at 201 N. Douglas! Students will display and present their lamp projects, narratives, and artwork that they have been working hard on for their first semester POLs. The theme of this project is to develop and share a deeper understanding of the experience of people who are migrants and refugees. See the flyer below – and hope to see you there!

Winter Music Student Showcase: Tuesday, Dec. 12th at 6:30pm *NOW AT THE WDV GYM*

Due to the excitement and enthusiasm from our theater show this past Tuesday (and the incredibly high turnout they generated!), we have a major last-minute change to the venue for our Music Winter Showcase. It will still be on Tue, 12/12 but will now take place in the WDV GYM at 201 N. Douglas St. Doors are at 6pm, and the show will start at 6:30pm. See you there!

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
  • Tues, Dec. 19th + Wed, Dec. 20th: POL Therapy Dogs On-Campus
  • Wed, Dec. 20th: 9th Grade POL Exhibition: Lamps
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One
  • Friday, Dec. 22nd: Report Cards Mailed Home
  • Friday, Dec. 22nd – Monday, Jan. 15th: Winter Break (No School)
  • Tues, Jan. 16th: First Day of Semester Two

Week 16 Campus Highlight: Holiday Community Dialogue


Parent Interviewers Needed for Mock Job Interviews!

Hello Da Vinci Design Parents and Guardians!

We are looking for parents/guardians and community members to participate in mock job interviews with 11th grade students from 12/14 – 12/21 on campus. Please click here to sign up and see the message below from our English 11 teacher, Mr. Oliver!


This year’s English 11 POL will be small group job interviews where students will respond to two personal inquiry questions they’ve been writing over the past few weeks. To make the interviews more realistic, I am recruiting two adults to join me in the interview process. Your presence is most important, but if you can also provide some feedback, that would be great! I will have some simple forms where you can leave a comment for the student. To clarify, you would attend an interview for a group of students that doesn’t include your child.

Each POL day consists of roughly three hour-and-a-half long segments, as seen on the sign-up below.

In the comment section on the sign-up form, please indicate who your child is so I can assign the groups accordingly.

We appreciate your help to make this as valuable as possible for our students!

Mr. James Oliver, English 11

Week 16 Preview: Progress Reports and POLs Coming Soon!

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

It was great to be back on campus with students this week as we gear up for the end of the first semester. On Wednesday, our student Leadership team hosted a record-breaking blood drive with the UCLA Health Center. Thank you to all who donated!

Congratulations to all of our Seniors for getting their UC/CSU applications this week! We are expecting big things from the Class of 2024, and are so proud of them as they make their way through the college application process. AND – we could not do it without the amazing work of our counselors and our College and Career Readiness teacher. Thank you  Ms. Pam, Ms. Nicole, Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Palafox!

Progress reports are being mailed home today, December 1st. The purpose of this is to give families the opportunity to have a snapshot of student progress, and to be able to have a conversation at home with students about how to stay successful in school. This information will also be used by teachers and counselors in their plans to support all students. Please follow up with your child’s teachers directly with any questions about assignments or grades.

If you do not receive a progress report in the mail by Friday, 10/6, please reach out by calling Da Vinci Design at 310-725-5800, or send an email Office Manager Maria Beltran at to request a digital progress report for your child.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 16 at DVD:

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are coming in just two weeks! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

Here is the Bell Schedule for upcoming POL Weeks 17 & 18:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Friday, December 1st: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Wed, Dec. 6th + Thurs Dec. 7th: Last Day of Seminars
  • Friday, Dec. 8th: Holiday Community Dialogue!
  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
    • Early release of students at 1:45pm each day
    • *Special start on Friday, Friday Dec. 15th at 8:40am*
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One

Community Paint Day, Thanksgiving Holiday and Week 15 Preview

Hello Designers and Design Families!

What an exciting week! Exhibition, boat races, field trips, Alumni Day, CD, paint day – so much great stuff happening at Design this week. Truly feeling so grateful to be part of a learning community that does so much to bring the learning outside of the classroom.

Today, we held an all-day event at DVD: Community Paint Day! Community Paint Day at DVD is the culmination of a partnership with Arts Bridging the Gap and the DVD Diversity Council. The day was be centered around painting a 10’x10′  mural designed in collaboration with DVD’s Diversity Council students, and resident artists/muralists Noah and Georgia, who met over eight sessions do discuss themes of diversity and inclusion which would be the basis of the mural. The day started with a schoolwide community dialogue assembly in the gym hosted by the DVD Diversity Council. Then, students from all grade levels spent the rest of the day in the BlackBox theater space painting the mural under the guidance of our resident muralists. And, a representative from Hart House stopped by to provide gift cards to recognize students working on the mural. It was a great day full of celebration and community, and a great way to send our students off to the holiday break! See pictures below!

The first day of school after the break will be Monday, November 27th – here is the Week 15 bell schedule:


We want extend a BIG THANK YOU to all of the DVD families who made contributions to our DVD staff gratitude baskets; thanks to all of you for donating time, treats, and messages of gratitude to our staff to help send them off on a much deserved break with a little something to let them know how appreciated they are. We love our DVD families! And, we wish all of you a restful, safe, and fun holiday break!

DV Schools Blood Drive on November 29th:
The UCLA Blood and Platelet Center will be coming onto our 201 N. Douglas campus on Wednesday, November 29th from 9am-2pm in the Black Box. Students will be called out of class to donate blood if they are registered and have proper consent forms. See the flyer below for more details, including a QR code where students can register.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Nov. 20th – Nov. 24th: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Holiday Break
  • Wednesday, November 29th: DV Schools + UCLA Health Blood Drive
  • Friday, December 1st: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
    • Early release of students at 1:45pm each day
    • *Special start on Friday, Friday Dec. 15th at 8:40am*
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One

Week 14 Highlight: Community Dialogue and Paint Day Hosted By Diversity Council

Congrats Designers on Fall Exhibition!

Congratulations 10th and 12th Grade Designers!

Fall 2023 Exhibition was a huge success! Your boats floated, your galleries were glowing, and your murals highlighted so much joy. You went above and beyond this year, and you have made your school community so proud!

See a photo gallery here from your Fall 2023 Exhibition:

Week 14 Updates: Exhibition Week and Community Events!

Good Morning Designers and Design Families,

We hope our students are coming back from the long weekend feeling refreshed and ready for a great week! This week, we have lots of exciting events to look forward to:

Tuesday, November 14th is Fall Exhibition Night! Both 10th and 12th grade will be displaying work.

  • 3pm-5pm at the El Segundo Aquatic Center, 10th Grade Boat Races
    Sophomores have used skills and concepts from Math and Chemistry class (like surface area and buoyancy) to design full-scale boats out of reclaimed cardboard in their Fundamentals of Design 2 class. And, on the afternoon of Exhibition, they will be racing each other across the ESAC pool for our 2nd annual Boat Race! This event was so much fun and brought so much joy that we had to make it annual. We hope you can stop by to see who will be our champion. See the flyer below!

  • 5:30pm-7:30pm at 201 N. Douglas: 12th Grade Mural & Art Gallery Project
    The Mural project was a collaborative effort across Ethnic Studies, English, Government, College & Career Readiness, and Entrepreneurship. It portrays the resilience of an oppressed group, highlighting their joy and triumphs. In Ethnic Studies, students designed and painted their mural. In English, students created engaging websites, audio guides, and artist plaques. Government class delved into the connections between chosen topics and government operations. College & Career Readiness explored diverse art-related career paths, while Entrepreneurship focused on preparing the art for sale. In Statistics, students conducted a data project on art, music, and social media while Calculus students made art pieces that represent how math makes them feel. Graphic Design students crafted personal logos using Adobe Illustrator and students in Architecture collaborated on a real-world project with the Western Museum of Flight, designing a new museum concept for Torrance Airport. Their digital renderings are currently in progress and will be showcased.

Thursday, November 16th is Alumni Sibling and Cousins Day! We look forward to having returning students stop by our campus and to say “hello”.

Friday, November 17th we have both CD hosted by our Diversity Council, and we will be hosting a Community Paint Day in the BlackBox! Community Paint Day at DVD is the culmination of a partnership with Arts Bridging the Gap and the DVD Diversity Council. The day will be centered around painting a 10×10 mural designed in collaboration with DVD’s Diversity Council students and resident artists/muralists. 


As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, we are all grateful for the tremendous work of our school staff – from our teachers to counselors to paraeducators to custodians to front office staff. To show our appreciation, we are organizing Thanksgiving baskets to deliver to our school staff on Thursday, November 16th. The idea is that each staff member will receive one basket containing treats and words of appreciation from students and parents/guardians.

Here is how you can contribute to the baskets of Thanksgiving:

  1. Items: If you are interested and able to purchase something to show your appreciation, please consider non-perishable items such as: individually wrapped : pop corn, gummies, trail mix, chips, hot chocolate, pretzels, candy, cookies, gift cards ($5) to target, Starbucks, coffee, sparkling water, tea, and any other non-perishable snacks. We need donated items collected by: Tuesday November 14th. All items can be left on the first floor front office.
  1. Words of Appreciation: There is nothing that means more to school staff than words of appreciation or encouragement. Please consider handwriting a note of thanks or typing one digitally here: DVD Staff Appreciation Notes We will be printing these digital messages and including all words of appreciation in the baskets. Handwritten notes can be dropped off by Tuesday November 14th.

Week 14 DVD Bell Schedule:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Tuesday, Nov. 14th: DVD Exhibition Night! 3pm-7:30pm
    • 10th Grade Boat Races: 3pm-5pm at the El Segundo Aquatic Center (AKA: the pool at 201 N. Douglas).
    • 12th Grade Mural & Art Gallery Project: 5:30pm-7:30pm in the Senior Hub
  • Friday, Nov. 17th: Diversity Council Community Dialogue & Community Paint Day
  • Nov. 20th – Nov. 24th: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Holiday Break
  • Friday, December 1st: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
    • Early release of students at 1:45pm each day
    • *Special start on Friday, Friday Dec. 15th at 8:40am*
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One

Week 13 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week was full of seasonal fun – from spooky lab experiments in Chemistry class to ofrenda building in Spanish class. Our students really had something each day to look forward to this past week at DVD. And, it was so much fun having our annual Halloween costume contest during lunch on Tuesday! Shout out to our winners – see a few photos below!

This week, also had our November edition of “Coffee with Admin”, where parents/guardians can meet with the admin team at DVD to hear updates and ask questions about all things DVD. Our agenda for this month’s edition was 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Tardy and Absence Updates, 4) Red Ribbon Week: Key Resources, 5) Q&A. If you were not able to attend but would like to see a few campus, you can click here to find the slides from our November Coffee with Admin. Our next meeting will be on Wednesday, December 6th.

See the Bell Schedule for Week 12 here, as well key dates and events below:

Upcoming Dates and Events:

  • Friday, 11/10: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Tuesday, 11/14: 12th and 10th Grade Exhibition Night
    • 10th Grade: 3pm-5pm
    • 12th Grade: 5:30pm-7:30pm
  • Friday, 11/17: Diversity Council Community Dialogue & Community Paint Day
  • 11/20-11/24: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Holiday Break

Week 12 Campus Highlight – Halloween Costume Contest!

Week 12 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week at Da Vinci Schools, we celebrated Red Ribbon Week. There were several events on campus to bring awareness to and share resources about drug prevention awareness and health. The theme was “Be Kind To Your Mind”. Especially with Halloween around the corner, we ask all of our students to be safe and make good choices as they engage in holiday festivities and social gatherings. If you would like to review any of the resources shared, please click here.

We are excited to celebrate Halloween on our campus next week with a special dress up spirit day on Tuesday! Please help remind all students that while costumes are encouraged, students are not allowed to bring prop weapons, full face masks, or excessive gore/blood. All costumes must be school appropriate, and students not in costume must adhere to dress code. We will be having a costume contest at lunch in the outdoor quad for the most creative costumes!

Here is the bell schedule for Week 12 at Da Vinci Design:

Upcoming Dates and Events:

  • Wednesday, 11/1: Coffee With Admin!
  • Friday, 11/10: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Tuesday, 11/14: 12th Grade Exhibition Night
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