Archive for Author Russell Stoll

Flex Block Sign-Ups: Sept 2022

Good Morning Students!

See below for two important announcements:

Flex Block Sign Ups:

TODAY during Period 1, please complete this form to sign up for our first round of Flex Block:

What is Flex Block? Flex Block is a class that happens during the school day, twice per week, when you can get support from a specific teacher or with a specific subject. Think of it like built-in time for office hours. Students must choose a flex block, and must report to that class for attendance.

If you have questions, or do not see your name in this form, please ask your teacher for help.

Seminar Interest Survey: 

If you are interested in Art Portfolio Development (11th/12th) or in Makerspace: Puppetry (10th/9th), complete this form TODAY (8/26):

Lastly: If you are interested in applying to be a Da Vinci Design Student Board Member, please see the Front Office for more details and for an application today! Applications are due to the Front Office by 9/16.

Seminar Offerings List

Hello Designers,

Please click the link below to see the Seminar classes being offered for the Fall 2022 semester!

Sign-up schedule (during Advisory):

  • Monday, 8/22: Seniors and Juniors
  • Tuesday, 8/23: Sophomores
  • Friday, 8/26: Freshmen (during English classes)

IMPORTANT: Listings will be updated at the end of each day as classes fill up. Students should come prepared with three choices in mind in the event that their first choice class is full. Students should also be aware that some seminars require an application to be enrolled, and students may be pre-enrolled in some seminars that may not be listed here.

This year: all 9th grade students will be enrolled in a “Freshmen Seminar” in addition to one seminar of their choosing.

Week 2 Preview

Good Morning Designers,

It is so good to have everyone back on campus! Week One was a great start to the school year, and we are still feeling the positive energy from our Day One assembly. See some great pictures below from the first day of school as the DVD staff welcomed our students to the 22-23 school year.

This week, we are so excited to be bringing out 9th graders and a select group of leaders to the Freshmen Overnighter! Messaging via email and permission slips have gone out to families, and 9th graders should be bringing permission slips starting Monday. For more information, reach out to the DVD Front Office.

Here is the Week 2 bell schedule:

Upcoming Key Events

  • Wednesday, 8/24: 9th graders leave for Overnighter @ 8:40am
  • Wednesday, 8/25: 9th graders return from Overnighter @ 3:45pm
  • Week of Monday, 8/29: Seminars and Flex Block Begin
  • Monday, 9/5: No School – Labor Day
  • Thursday, 9/8: Back to School Night @ 5:30pm
  • Thursday, 9/15: DV Club Fair
  • Friday, 9/16: No School – Professional Development Day

DVD Picture Day This Week (8/18 + 8/19)

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week, starting tomorrow, DVD students will be taking their school photos. Please remind students to come ready to have their pictures taken on the following days:

9th and 10th grade: Thursday, August 18th (Tomorrow!)

11th and 12th grade: Friday, August 19th

Note: A make-up picture day for students who are absent will be announced soon. Pictures will be available for purchase, and a link will be announced and shared here on the school blog when it is available.

First Day of School Starts at 8:40am on Monday, 8/15

Hello again Design students and families,

We are excited to start the 2022-2023 school year with you next Monday, August 15th. We will start at our new time of 8:40am on the first day of school.
Please note that the schedule posted in an earlier blog post has been corrected.

Per Da Vinci Design tradition on the first day of school, students will gather outside to meet their teachers, join in a school assembly, and walk up to the fourth floor together.

We hope to see you for our webinar for returning families – starting in a few moments!

DVD Welcome Back Webinar
Thursday, 8/11 (TODAY) @5pm
Zoom Webinar Link:

Welcome back families and see you soon!

Russell Stoll
DVD Principal

DVD New Families Webinar Today at 5pm

Greetings New DVD Families!
We would like to invite all families who are new to Da Vinci Design to join Principal Stoll and Asst. Principal Takeyama for a welcome webinar on Monday, July 11th at 5pm.
The webinar will be presented through Zoom so that families can join from anywhere. We will cover general information and updates for the 2022-2023 school year to help new students be ready on day one!
Please join us using this link: .
This blog post will be updated with a copy of the slides and notes shared at the webinar.

Week 38 Preview: LGBTQ Pride Month and Last Week of School!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Next week is the last week of the 2021-2022 school year – and summer break is right around the corner! Congrats to students for all of their hard work this week on their POLs. From presenting analysis on their student-created poetry in English 9 to completing dissections in their Biology class, students have been working hard to “show what they know” in a variety of ways.

See the schedule for next week here:

Happy LGBTQ Pride Month! Da Vinci Schools is proud to recognize and celebrate the LGBTQ community this month, and the many ways LGBTQ folx have contributed to our world. Pride was originally focused on securing basic rights and later confronting the AIDS epidemic. Pride continues to be about creating and affirming spaces where LGBTQIA+ people can exist freely, without persecution.

We are also proud to share this summer program hosted by local non-profit Rainbow Labs.

One Bold Summer – A Rainbow Labs Summer Program for LGBTQ Youth
Rainbow Labs, a local organization that works with LGBTQ+ youth, is offering a free LGBTQ+ youth mentoring program this summer for six weeks. Their “One Bold Summer” mentoring program pairs LGBTQ+ youth in groups with two mentors for their Storytelling Lab and Accelerator Lab. Applications have been extend are due this Sunday, June 5th.
  • Program Dates: June 20 – July 31
  • Program Days/Times: 12:30 PM – 2:30 PM. Mondays (In Person) & Wednesdays (Virtual.) You must attend both days.
  • In Person Location: Heart Of Los Angeles, 2701 Wilshire Blvd #100, Los Angeles, CA 90057
  • Overview: LGBTQ+ Youth will have the opportunity to meet other LGBTQ+ youth across Los Angeles in six weeks of fun and engaging content. Youth will learn how to tell their personal stories through our Storytelling Lab. In our Accelerator Lab, youth will team up to come up with their own business ideas to pitch to major companies such as Disney, Hilton, American and more. Throughout the whole six weeks youth will be in groups of 3-7 with two mentors
  • More Information & Application:
  • LGBTQ+ Youth Video:

Key Events & Upcoming Dates:

  • June 6th + June 7th: POL Schedules (minimum days – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 8th, Wednesday: Last Day of School (minimum day – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 9th: Graduation Ceremony, 5:00pm – at 201 N. Douglas St. Campus; must have ticket to attend, and graduating Seniors should arrive at 4pm
  • June 14th: Summer Session 1 begins (by referral from counselors)
    Summer school forms were distributed to students this week. Click here for additional information on summer school.  If your student received a summer school form, you must register for summer school.  Click here for the summer school registration form.

Week 37 Preview: 10th Grade Pathways Selection & POLs Begin Next Week!

Greetings Designers and Designer Families,

We’ve almost made it! We are in the final stretch of the semester, and POLs are around the corner. POL Schedules means that we follow minimum day schedules May 31st – June 8th – school begins at 8:55am and school ends at 1:55pm every day.

See the Week 37 and 38 POL schedule here:

We hope you have a terrific Memorial Day Weekend and wish to extend a special word of gratitude to all those who have served or are currently serving in our country’s armed forces. Thank you for your service!

Next week is the beginning of Presentations of Learning! POLs give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills and are an opportunity for students to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will do our best to accommodate.

For specific details and schedules regarding POLs, please reach out to your student’s grade level teachers.

10th Grade Design Pathways Selection Resources

10th grade students and parents: After CD today, Sophomores received a presentation about the Design Pathways Selection Process. Please look at the resource posted here so that you can help discuss this important decision as a family:
Additionally, DVD will host a Pathways “Open House” on Tuesday, May 31st, from 2pm-3pm in Pathways Classrooms (4th floor). ALL Sophomore should attend! Parents/Families are welcome to attend provided that they follow Covid protocols and procedures.
The final decision will be made in their Sophomore art classes as part of their POLs. ALL Sophomores must complete the Pathways Selection Survey in order to have their preference considered for their 11th grade courses.
For questions, please reach out to your counselor.

Key Events & Upcoming Dates:

  • May 30th, Monday: NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Holiday
  • May 31st – June 7th: POL Schedules (minimum days – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 8th, Wednesday: Last Day of School (minimum day – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 9th: Graduation Ceremony, 5:00pm *Time Corrected* – at 201 N. Douglas St. Campus (must have ticket to attend)
  • June 14th: Summer Session 1 begins (by referral from counselors)

Resources and Supports In Response to School Violence in Texas

Dear Design Students and Families,

As a school community today, we joined in a moment of silence for the students and staff lost in the tragic shooting yesterday at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas. We felt it was important to take a moment this morning to recognize the hurt and fear being felt across the nation as a result of the violence that happened. For educators, parents, and students, school violence is something we all feel deeply. We encourage all students, and families too, check in with yourself today, to recognize how you are feeling affected by this, and to reach out to those around you if you need support today. For students, this means reaching our their counselors for support.

Here are some resources that may be helpful as you navigate your classrooms in the wake of this violence:

Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Parents and Teachers (National Association of School Psychologists)

Helping Children Cope with Frightening News (Child Mind Institute)

Coping in the Aftermath of a Shooting (American Counseling Association)

Trauma and Disaster Mental Health (American Counseling Association)

Teaching in the Wake of Violence (Facing History and Ourselves)

As principal, I want reassure all of you that these events, while too common, are rare, and that our school is safe. I join you in feelings of sadness today, but am encouraged by the collective strength of our school community.

Russell Stoll
Da Vinci Design

Costa Rica Travel Opportunity for Spring 2023

Hello Future Travelers,

This is a final reminder if you haven’t yet enrolled for my Costa Rica’s Natural Wonder’s trip! Our trip with EF Educational Tours will take place next Spring 2023. There has been an overwhelming amount of interest and excitement around this destination. We’ve been blown away by the response and wanted to give everyone one final chance to enroll. We have filled 35 spots and only have 5 spots available!

Make sure to enroll by the deadline of Tuesday, May 31st to reserve your spot risk-free*. Enroll and see our trip website at

Enroll by 5/31 to receive a $100 discount!

If you have questions, please reach out to Ms. Ada Wood ( or Mr. Frank Solis (, or call EF traveler support at 1-800-665-5364.

*EF is offering a Risk-Free Enrollment Period – Travelers who enroll now can cancel for any reason 30 days after enrollment for a full refund of 100% of the money paid to EF.

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