Archive for Author Emily Shapiro

Important Updates from Real World Learning Director (5.3.2023)

Hello Da Vinci Scholars and Families,

We are happy to announce that we will be hosting a number of Career Training Programs this summer around the trades, entrepreneurship, aviation, and space system designs at our 201 N. Douglas campus. To see our flyer with more information, please click here. The deadline to apply is Monday, May 22.

We also invite you to also take a look at the Google document with all of the ongoing volunteer and internship experiences students can apply for. This week we have new experiences listed under Arts, Media and Entertainment, Engineering and Architecture, Health Sciences, and Information, Gaming, & Communication Technologies. The document can be accessed here.

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Crissel Rodriguez at

TIME SENSITIVE: Snap Lens Lab @ Otis College – Summer Scholarship

For a second year, Otis College of Art and Design and Snap are partnering on Snap Lens Lab @ Otis College, a groundbreaking two-week, fully funded, Augmented Reality (AR) workshop. Otis and Snap are teaming up to bring high school students in LA County from underserved communities an exciting hands-on learning lab, giving them the chance to combine the power of AR, 2D and 3D industry-standard design tools, and their own creativity to develop dynamic interactive experiences. Students will also connect with industry professionals to learn about potential careers in art and design that focus on these new technologies.

FIND OUT MORE TONIGHT! A Virtual Info Session on Zoom is being held on Tuesday, April 25th from 6:00 – 7:15 p.m. PDT. Interested students, their families, art educators, and counselors are invited to join our team, including a representative from Snap, Otis College faculty, and me, to learn program details and ask questions. RSVP here.

Quick Facts 

  • This Snap x Otis program is geared toward high school students in LA County from underserved communities, and 15 full scholarships are available.
  • Snap Lens Lab @ Otis College runs Monday through Friday, July 17th-28th, 2023 from 9am-4pm.
  • This simple application is due on May 15, so don’t delay! No portfolio required, but be sure to think thoughtfully about the questions, so we get a true sense of the student. Students can submit their application to be considered here.
  • No prior experience or skills are required to participate in this program!

More information about the program can be found at:

Have questions? Please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Click here to see other Real World Learning opportunities.

LADWP Women’s Career & Wellness Expo – Saturday, May 6, 2023

LADWP Women’s Career & Wellness Expo

When: Saturday, May 6, 2023
10am to 2pm

Where: LADWP Truesdale Training Center
11760 Truesdale Street,
Sun Valley, CA 91352

At LADWP, we embrace diversity, support wellness,
and offer you the chance to live out your values in the
workplace. Come and learn about where a career with
LADWP can take you, and much more.

At the Expo, you’ll have access to:

  • Information about skilled craft and professional
    careers in construction, electrical, engineering,
    fleet, IT, facilities, security, and water
  • Demos and hands-on activities
  • Exercise workouts, meal prep demos
    and healthcare info
  • Free food and beverages
  • Free giveaways

Da Vinci Extension Information Session – Thursday, April 20 at 6:30PM

Dear Da Vinci 12th Grade Families,

We wish to invite you to an information session next week to learn more about changes to our Da Vinci Extension (DVX) program and an exciting new partnership with Rivet School.

As many of you know, DVX has evolved considerably since it was established in 2015. Each year, we’ve iterated programming based on a variety of factors, but always with students at the center of our decision making. Over the last few months, we have been actively exploring what the next evolution of our DVX program should be. After much discussion and engagement at all levels, from teachers and staff to counselors and leadership, we have decided to focus our efforts on a more streamlined, single program offering with Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU) and our new partners at Rivet School. Click here for more info.

WEF’s Annual Rock Around the Block – April 29th

Mark your calendars for April 29th, 9:30am-2:30pm, because WEF’s Rock Around the Block is almost here! Get a jump on our community’s most anticipated event by already purchasing your food and tickets for the day. While you are planning your day, please consider volunteering for a shift. There is something for everyone!

This is a family event to fundraise for arts education, healthy lifestyle programs, teacher grants, and STEM activities in the Wiseburn Unified School District. This fun-filled day includes amusement rides, games, giveaways, a silent auction, prize booths, and musical performances by the Wiseburn and Da Vinci music programs. The link to presale tickets and food can be found here here.

For more information, contact Michelle Legaspi, Community Relations of Wiseburn Education Foundation, at

Become a Youth Board Representative for The Del Aire Neighborhood Association – Apply by 4/19!

Future Youth Leaders,

The Del Aire Neighborhood Association (DNA)  is looking for 1-2 high-school student leaders who want to serve as YOUTH BOARD REPRESENTATIVES who can help the organization grow, plan community events, and advocate for neighborhood improvements like the Greenway! You can find the application here – apply by April 19th.

Application requirements:

  • Must be a Del Aire resident
  • Must be able to commit to serving for 2 years. (so, ideally, incoming  freshmen,  sophomores and Juniors should apply.

This is a great opportunity for students to participate on the Board and provide a forum to learn about local government and help shape the community.

For more information, please contact Jessica Nolan Daugherty, President of the Del Aire Neighborhood Association at 714-390-6301.

Preparing Your Student For Their Future with Dr. Vince Bertram – Tomorrow!

Last chance to RSVP! Join us for an upcoming seminar with Dr. Vince Bertram tomorrow, April 11th, at 6PM in the Black Box Theater at Da Vinci Schools!

Dr. Bertram is a renowned international speaker, and New York Times best-selling author, dedicated to transforming career learning for students worldwide. Discover how to prepare your student for success in work and life by learning about the value of a college education, skills that matter more than a degree, and the outlook for today’s job market. Space is limited. RSVP here to reserve your spot today!

Announcements From Real World Learning Director (4.10.2023)

A Netflix x Otis Entertainment Certificate Program – Apply by 4/28!

Do you live and breathe movies, TV, and media? Do you draw, paint, create fan posters, or edit fan trailers? Are you ready to see your work live on in popular culture? Do you have what it takes to shape the future of entertainment marketing?

Otis has teamed up with Netflix and the entertainment industry’s best marketing agencies to provide 18 motivated students of color with career-focused training and a paid apprenticeship opportunity. Beginning in Fall 2023, this program is designed to jumpstart your career developing engaging campaigns for film and TV. This program features three tracks for participants to choose from: Design, Editing, or Illustration. Must be at least 18 years of age.

There are no tuition costs to attend this program. Students will receive a full scholarship that includes a computer, all program materials, and required software. Prospective students must submit their application before Friday, April 28, 2023 to be considered for a scholarship.

Check out the flyer for more information or email Nia Mayes, Program Coordinator, at

For students interested in volunteering with Beach Cities Health District:

Beach Cities Health District is seeking an AdventurePlex Adventure Assistant. The Assistant must be available for a 6-month commitment once a week for the following shifts: Sat, 9 am-12 pm or 12 pm-3 pm and Sun 10 am-1 pm. Candidates must be 14 years of age or older. A TB test and drug screen and background check are required if participants are 18+. Duties will consist of ensuring that children experience a fun, educational, and safe environment by monitoring Adventure Room and/or Toddler Town. Volunteers will maintain a safe and clean environment, assist with various activities, (e.g.; Arts & Crafts, ropes course, rock climbing, Puppet Show, Costume Play, Story Time), assist instructors with setting up and organizing activities, and assist the front desk as needed. If interested, please fill out an application here and someone from Volunteer Services will contact you.

There is also a volunteer position available that supports this program that ends in the summer. If interested, please fill out an application at and someone from Volunteer Services will contact you.

For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Click here to see other Real World Learning opportunities.

Using CLEP Exams to Earn College Credit

As College Decision Day approaches on May 1, families may want to take a moment to learn about the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) for students to potentially earn college credit and test out of certain general education courses at 2,900 participating colleges across the U.S.

Administered by the College Board, CLEP is a non-school sponsored opportunity. CLEP exams allow students who are already proficient in a particular subject(s) to test out of introductory courses and move to more advanced courses sooner, saving time and money toward their degree. Students take CLEP exams at an official CLEP test center or at home with remote proctoring. Students receives scores immediately after completing the exam except for College Composition and Spanish with Writing.

To learn more about this program, visit

Many thanks to DVD parent Carolyn Mortley who shared this resource with us.

Youth & Young Adult Job Fair- RSVP Deadline Extended to 4/7

The South Bay Workforce Investment Board is hosting its 23rd Annual Youth and Young Adult Job Fair on April 19, 2023, from 9am to 1pm at El Camino College. This event is open to participants over the age of 16. Transportation will be provided to and from the event via a bus that will be leaving from the 201 N. Douglas campus at 8:00am. Please note that spots are limited and not guaranteed. The deadline to RSVP is Friday, April 7th at 3pm. Those that are selected will receive an email with further instructions from Crissel Rodriguez, the Director of Real-World Learning. If you are interested in participating, please fill out this form.


For more information, please contact Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at

Click here to see other Real World Learning opportunities.

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