DVD New Families Resources: Webinar and Slides

Greetings Incoming DVD Students and Families,

Once again, welcome to Da Vinci Design! It was a pleasure sharing a bit of what DVD is all about during our New Families Welcome webinar. If you would like to review any of the information shared from Mr. Takeyama, Ms. B or myself, or if you were not able to watch the webinar live, see the links below for a recording of the webinar and to see the slides that we shared:

After the webinar, there was a Q&A session where we answered clarifying questions. Please check out the “DVD Updates and FAQs for New Families” document here for additional information covered.

Looking forward to meeting you all in the new school year!

Russell Stoll
DVD Principal

Happy Summer Designers!

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

From all of the faculty and staff at Da Vinci Design, we wish you a wonderful summer break! Monday, August 19th is the first day of school for students in the 2024-25 school year. We will see you in August!

Congratulations to the graduating Class of 2024! It was an honor and pleasure watching you walk the stage yesterday. Graduation photos from yesterday have been uploaded for families here – you may access and download them for FREE thanks to our incredible photographer Stacee:

Report cards: have been put into the mail today and will be arriving next week. If you have any questions or concerns, reach out to the Da Vinci Design Front Office and ask for Assistant Principal, or send an email to ktakeyama@davincischools.org for any questions regarding work permits, enrollment, summer dates, etc. The DVD Front Office is open Monday-Friday (except for holidays) from 8am to noon.

June 11th: Summer Session 1 begins (by referral from counselors)
Summer school forms were distributed to students last week. If your student received a summer school form, you must register for summer school. Please reach out to your child’s counselor for more information.

Please stay tuned over the summer! We will be making announcements for new families AND returning families here on the blog. See you in August!

Week 38 Updates – Last Week of School!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Can you believe it? Next week is the LAST WEEK of the school year. And this week – students have been doing a phenomenal job with POLs. Presentations of Learning (POLs) wrap up on 6/3 and 6/4 for POLs in Period 5 and 6. POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning.

Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

Graduation Ceremony Info for 12th Grade Parents/Guardians and Families:

As graduation nears, we wanted to provide you with specific information regarding the day of the Graduation Ceremony. In order to accommodate everyone for this large gathering and celebration, please review this key information, and click here for more info:

DVD Graduation Parent Information (Spring 2024)

  • DVD Graduation Ceremony Start Time: June 6th, 2024 at 1:00PM
  • Guests Arrive and Doors Open: 12:00PM
  • *All Graduates MUST arrive at 12:00PM*
  • Address: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Parking Main lot: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245 (passes required)
    • Graduates and families dropping off graduates will be allowed to drop-off graduates at noon; all other visitors are permitted to enter at 12:15pm.
  • Parking Overflow Lot: 550 Continental, El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Live Stream Link:  https://youtube.com/live/Vtq6_2HJy2Q

Here is the Week 38 Bell Schedule:

10th Grade Design Pathways Selection Resources

Leading up to POLs, 10th grade students have been receiving information in their Fundamentals of Design 2 class with Mr. Kartez about the CTE Pathway Selection process. During POLs, Sophomores will complete a survey selecting their preferences for whether they want to be in the Architecture, Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship, or Fine Arts pathway. This pathway course selection will dictate their schedule for 11th and 12th grade year.
Please look at the resource posted here so that you can help discuss this important decision as a family: Class of 2026 Pathways Selection Slides For Families
The final decision will be made in their Sophomore design class as part of their POLs. ALL Sophomores must complete the Pathways Selection Survey in order to have their preference considered for their 11th grade courses.
For questions, please reach out to your counselor.

Key Dates and Upcoming Events

  • Mon, June 3rd – Tues, June 4th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Minimum day schedules – school out at 1:45pm
    • Students in professional dress
  • Wed, June 5th: Last Day of Classes for 2023-24 School Year
  • Thurs, June 6th at 1pm: DVD Graduation Ceremony
    • 12pm: Call time for all graduates
    • Location: Gym @ 201 N. Douglas, tickets required
  • Fri, June 7th: Report Cards Mailed Home
    • Please note: PowerSchool access is locked for students and parents through summer for end of semester report card preparation, and in order to prepare schedules for the Fall 2024 semester. If you have questions regarding Spring 2024 report cards or grades, reach out to your counselor via email, and you will receive a reply when school staff return in August.
  • Mon, June 10th: First Day of Summer Session 1

Week 36 & End of Year Updates

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was the last week of regular classes at DVD! And, we had so much to celebrate as we wrap up what has been a great year at DVD. We marked our Seniors’ final exhibition with the annual Senior Showcase event on Wednesday night. Then, our Queer Student Union hosted a community dialogue in honor of Pride Month on Friday morning. Finally, we are ending the week by dancing it out with “Banda Night” hosted by our Latinx Student Union. See below for photos from the 12th grade Senior Showcase event!

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are happening NEXT WEEK (5/28 – 6/4). POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning.

Please note: PowerSchool access is locked for students and parents starting 5/28 and through summer for end of semester report card preparation, and in order to prepare schedules for the Fall 2024 semester. If you have questions regarding Spring 2024 report cards or grades, reach out to your counselor via email, and you will receive a reply when school staff return in August.

Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

Here is the Week 37 + 38 Bell Schedule:

Graduation Ceremony Info for 12th Grade Parents/Guardians and Families:

As graduation nears, we wanted to provide you with specific information regarding the day of the Graduation Ceremony. In order to accommodate everyone for this large gathering and celebration, please review this key information, and click here for more info:

DVD Graduation Parent Information (Spring 2024)

  • DVD Graduation Ceremony Start Time: June 6th, 2024 at 1:00PM
  • Guests Arrive and Doors Open: 12:00PM 
  • *All Graduates MUST arrive at 12:00PM*
  • Address: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Parking Main lot: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245 (passes required)
  • Parking Overflow Lot: 550 Continental, El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Live Stream Link:  https://youtube.com/live/Vtq6_2HJy2Q

10th Grade Design Pathways Selection Resources

Leading up to POLs, 10th grade students have been receiving information in their Fundamentals of Design 2 class with Mr. Kartez about the CTE Pathway Selection process. During POLs, Sophomores will complete a survey selecting their preferences for whether they want to be in the Architecture, Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship, or Fine Arts pathway. This pathway course selection will dictate their  schedule for 11th and 12th grade year.
Please look at the resource posted here so that you can help discuss this important decision as a family: Class of 2026 Pathways Selection Slides For Families
The final decision will be made in their Sophomore design class as part of their POLs. ALL Sophomores must complete the Pathways Selection Survey in order to have their preference considered for their 11th grade courses.
For questions, please reach out to your counselor.

Key Dates and Upcoming Events

  • Tues, May 28th – Tues, June 4th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Minimum day schedules – school out at 1:45pm
    • *NOTE: School starts at 8:40am on Friday, 5/31 (not 9:45am) due to POL schedule
  • Wed, June 5th: Last Day of Classes for 2023-24 School Year
  • Thurs, June 6th at 1pm: DVD Graduation Ceremony
    • 12pm: Call time for all graduates
    • Location: Gym @ 201 N. Douglas, tickets required
  • Fri, June 7th: Report Cards Mailed Home
  • Mon, June 10th: First Day of Summer Session 1

Week 36 Campus Highlights: 12th Grade Exhibition – Senior Showcase:

Week 36 Preview: POLs Around the Corner!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

There have been so many great event happening at DVD this past week! On Saturday, 5/11, our 10th Grade Honors Art students participated in an Art Show called “Camp Kitsch” @ Indivisible Arts in Hermosa Beach. Students displayed paintings, sculptures, and multimedia work in a professional gallery space with live music. Then, on Wednesday 5/15, we celebrated Decision Day and Senior Awards Night with our Class of 2024! Seniors declared their post-high school plans, wore swag for the colleges they will attend, and were surprised by their parents and families with a celebratory potluck in the BlackBox. We wrapped up the week with a Career Day presentation in our 9th and 10th grade classrooms! Organized by a group of 12th grade students for their Senior Project, we had representatives from design industries present personal career experiences. See below for photos from the 10th grade Honors art show and 12th grade Decision Day!

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are happening from 5/28-6/4! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate. 

Week 36 DVD Bell Schedule:

Key Dates and Upcoming Events

  • Wed, May 22nd: Senior Showcase Exhibition (5:30 to 7:30 PM @ WWOO Concrete Outdoor Kitchen)
  • Thurs, May 23rd: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #5
    • *5pm via Zoom*
    • Agenda: 1) Public Comment, 2) 23-24 School Data Review, 3) Final LCAO Feedback Review, 4) Meeting Reflections
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Tues, May 28th – Tues, June 4th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Minimum day schedules – school out at 1:45pm
    • *NOTE: School starts at 8:40am on Friday, 5/31 (not 9:45am) due to POL schedule
  • Wed, June 5th: Last Day of Classes for 2023-24 School Year

Week 35 Campus Highlights: 10th Grade Honors Art Show @ Indivisible Arts in Hermosa Beach and Class of 2024 Decision Day:

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Our community partner, South Bay Families Connected, offers our families a variety of youth wellness resources. For Mental Health Awareness Month, we feature their resource pages covering trending youth wellness topics on the minds of parents and caregivers:


Visit our own Da Vinci Families Connected page for more youth wellness resources from Da Vinci Schools and SBFC.

10th Grade Parent/Guardian Community Group

Dear 10th Grade Parents/Guardians,

You are invited to the final session of DVD’s 10th Grade Parent/Guardian Community Group, Thursday May 16th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on zoom. No prior attendance is required! All 10th grade parents/guardians are invited and encouraged to attend.

More information and RSVP QR code are below.

We hope to see you there!


Week 35 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Thanks for another great week at DVD! This week, we celebrated our awesome team of educators all week long in honor of Teacher Appreciation Week! Thank you to all of our amazing families for recognizing the dedicated team Da Vinci Design this week.

Then, we wrapped up the week with Community Dialogue in honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, hosted by DVD’s AAPISU Club. We played games, featured special performances, and had so much fun! See photos below.

Summer 2024 at DV:

On Wednesday, 5/1, the DVD admin team hosted our monthly “Coffee with Admin” Q&A session (virtually, via Zoom). Click here for the May Coffee with Admin slides, or use the DVD Parent Info Sessions & Coffee with Admin Slides link under the “Resources” column on the blog. See the slides to find more information on all of the exciting Summer 2024 programs and real world learning opportunities happening at DV!

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 35 at DVD:

Parking Update for Campus at 201 N. Douglas: 

Da Vinci Schools would like to remind you that it is mandatory for all vehicles parked on the 201 campus to display a valid parking permit during school hours. This includes all students who drive to school and park on campus. On Monday, May 13, 2024, we will begin enforcement of towing vehicles parked without a valid permit. Any car that has already been cited twice this year will be towed on the third offense. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining a safe and organized parking environment on campus. For questions, please contact Lead Safety Officer Glenn Noya at gnoya@davincischools.org.

Key Dates and Upcoming Events

  • Sat, May 11th: DVD 10th Grade Honors Art Show
    • @ Indivisible Arts in Hermosa Beach
    • 4:30pm-8pm
    • Art, Live Music, and Fun!
  • Mon, May 13th – Thurs, 16th: Last week of seminar classes!
  • Wed, May 15th: Class of 2024 Decision Day Celebration & Senior Awards Night
  • Wed, May 22nd: Senior Showcase Exhibition (5:30 to 7:30 PM @ WWOO Concrete Outdoor Kitchen)
  • Tues, May 28th – Tues, June 4th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Minimum day schedules – school out at 1:45pm
    • *NOTE: School starts at 8:40am on Friday, 5/31 (not 9:45am) due to POL schedule
  • Wed, June 5th: Last Day of Classes for 2023-24 School Year

Week 34 Campus Highlight: Community Dialogue in honor of Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month (hosted by DVD’s AAPISU Club)


Da Vinci Design’s Annual Senior Showcase

Hello Designers!

You’re invited to Da Vinci Design’s Annual Senior Showcase!

Join us in celebrating the remarkable projects of our graduating Class of 2024 at the Senior Showcase on Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024. This special event will highlight our seniors’ hard work, creativity, and passion as they present their final projects and performances. Two food trucks will cater to guests with a variety of options. Don’t miss this opportunity to support the Class of 2024 and witness the future leaders, artists, and innovators in action!

Event Details:

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
5:30 to 7:30 PM
Location: WWOO Concrete Outdoor Kitchen, 121 Penn St, El Segundo, CA 90245

Parking: The parking will take place at Saint Anthony’s Catholic Church attached is a photo of a map from the parking to the venue.
Address: 720 E Grand Ave, El Segundo, CA 90245



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