Heatwave Alert & Recommendations

Good Morning Designers & Design Families,

Da Vinci Schools is aware that high temperatures have been forecasted for the next few days, with temperatures reaching above the 90s. Here are some ways that we as a school community can support our students:

  • Students will be invited to stay indoors for lunch today and tomorrow when temperatures are at their peak.
  • Students are encouraged to stay indoors as soon as they arrive before school and until they are picked up after school.
  • We encourage students who normally walk or bike to school to ensure they travel safely and bring water, or to consider arranging to be dropped off/picked up or to carpool this week.

Please reach out to the DVD front office with any questions: 310-725-5800.

DVD Atlas Is Going To Greece In Spring 2026

Dear DVD Students and Families,
Atlas@Design is our school’s travel program that has been traveling for over 12 years all around the world. We are excited to open up enrollment for our next adventure, GREECE, which will take place during Spring Break of 2026. If your student is interested, please join us on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30pm for a Zoom info meeting. You can register for the meeting using the QR code on the flyer or by going to this page: https://bit.ly/3LZPG8O.
Reach out to Frank Solis at fsolis@davincischools.org if you have any questions. 

“Coffee with Admin” Zoom for DVD Families Tomorrow at 8am and 5pm

Good Evening DVD Parents and Guardians,

Tomorrow, Wednesday Sept. 4th, at 8am and 5pm join the DVD admin team for our monthly “Coffee with Admin” chat. Simply log on via Zoom and bring any school-related questions, or just sit back, relax, and hear about school updates. This will be our first Coffee with Admin of the 2024-25 school year. Hope to see you there!

Wed, Sept. 4th: Coffee w/ Admin

  • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
  • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
  • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates, Highlights & CCSA Recognition 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Classroom Expectations, 4) Q&A
  • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069

Save the Date! Virtual 12th Grade College and Career Family Planning Meeting Monday 9/9

Who: DVD 12th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians

What: Senior Family College & Career Planning Presentation (before Senior 1:1 meetings starting next week)

Where: Zoom: https://davincischools-org.zoom.us/j/98908042996

When: Monday 9/9/24 at 5:00 p.m.

The information covered is necessary to have prior to attending the 12th grade 1:1 individual planning meeting. 1:1 meetings will begin after the zoom presentation. Students received sign up links in their College and Career Classes.

Please contact your counselor for questions.

Pam Baker: A-GL pbaker@davincischools.org

Nicole Tafoya: Go-O ntafoya@davincischools.org

Omar Sanchez: P-Z osanchez@davincischools.org

Da Vinci Swag Store Opening Soon!

Get ready to snag Da Vinci Schools swag beginning next Monday, September 9th! You’ll have the chance to pre-order hoodies, sweatshirts, and track jackets to show off your Da Vinci Schools spirit all year long.
You can choose from different styles and colors, all with a silk-screened Da Vinci Schools logo. The pre-order window will be open for two weeks from Monday, September 9th – Sunday, September 22nd at 11:59pm. Youth – adult sizes are available. Orders will be distributed to school sites for pick-up in October.
 We’ll share the link as soon as it goes live! Stay tuned!

9th Grade Overnight Camp & Week 3 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

This week, our 9th graders participated in our annual Freshmen Overnighter Camp! 9th grade students, student leaders and staff got to connect with each other in the great outdoors. Everyone participated in fun activities, team building games, and important discussions that help prepare our 9th graders to make new friends and to transition into high school. See some pictures from the 2024 Overnighter Camp below! More photos will also be made available to 9th grade families next week!

Next week, we have a modified bell schedule due to the holiday weekend. And, all students will be participating in Picture Day to take their photos for school IDs and the Yearbook on 9/4 and 9/5. See the Week 3 bell schedule below for more details.

El Camino Dual Enrollment Application Resource

This week, a record number of students at Da Vinci Design expressed interest in taking a dual enrollment college class at El Camino College (ECC). Way to go Designers!

In order to be eligible for any dual enrollment course, students MUST first apply to be a student at El Camino College. The process some key steps and requirements, and we recommend students and families reviewing the resource here for more information:

Each semester, a limited number of spots to take a dual enrollment class during seminar is made available. Contact your counselor for more information.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Week of Mon, Sept. 2nd: Seminars (P7 & P8) Begin
  • Wed, Sept. 4th & Thurs, Sept. 5th: Picture Day (during English classes)
  • Wed, Sept. 4th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Tues, Sept. 10th: Back to School Night @ 5:30pm
  • Fri, Sept. 13th: No School – Professional Development Day
  • Thurs, Sept. 19th: DV Club & Service Learning Fair

Week 3 DVD Highlight: 9th Grade Overnighter Camp

Community Learning Days

Dear Da Vinci Students and Families,

We are excited to introduce a new initiative for the 2024-25 school year called Community Learning Days (CLDs), in response to our community’s desire to provide more opportunities to bring students together across all our high schools. CLDs offer a day of choice and flexibility in learning for Da Vinci families enrolled at Communications, Connect High, Design, RISE, and Science.

Community Learning Days are designed to enrich the high school educational experience and foster a deeper sense of connection between students at all our high schools. CLDs advance our Da Vinci Schools’ vision of empowering a new generation of students prepared to lead, innovate and thrive in the modern world where learning can happen within and beyond the school walls. CLDs are scheduled four times throughout the school year (Oct. 11, Nov. 8, Feb. 10, Apr. 21), offering a unique blend of community, connection, flexibility, creativity, and accountability for both students and staff.

What are Community Learning Days?
CLDs are a new initiative for the 2024-25 school year designed to provide students and families across our schools with a menu of choices, including optional on-campus programming that brings students together from all our schools from 8:00am-12:30pm at our 201 N. Douglas St. campus; extra learning time at home to catch up on schoolwork; or time for your family to take advantage of something that would not normally be available during regular school hours, such as going on college visits, exploring museums, and more. 

Based on community input, the decision to introduce CLDs grew out of a desire for additional opportunities to bring together students across our campuses to foster deeper connections, for more student choice in pursuing learning that is most meaningful to them, and for new strategies to promote and support student and staff well-being.  

How does it work?
Students will learn more about CLDs this week during Advisory classes. A Student Survey will be launched during the week of September 5 for students and families to make selections about what they would like their first CLD to look like on Friday, October 11. Students and families will make a choice to participate in On-Campus Learning or Off-Campus Learning. Students and families will be notified of their CLD approved selection during the week of September 23. 

Students are encouraged to plan their activities thoughtfully and productively. Students will track progress and accomplishments in Canvas, ensuring that these days are both enjoyable and productive. All students will learn and earn attendance but in different ways. Follow-up surveys will help us plan for future CLDs. 

What learning can students participate in?
ON-CAMPUS: High school students will have an array of diverse on-campus learning experiences to choose from at the 201 N. Douglas campus, such as:

  • Explore and engage with hands-on equipment in the Ceramics Studio, CTE Lab, shop materials, and learn how to use advanced tools like laser cutters and 3D printers
  • College and career workshops
  • Financial Literacy
  • Special community service or volunteer field trips
  • Open Lab (space for students to complete work or study)
  • Other planned offerings that will be shared in the upcoming survey

OFF-CAMPUS: Students can “leave to learn” and engage in a learning experience off campus independently, such as going on a college visit, service learning, job shadow, internship, etc.  Or, students can complete work from home – get caught up or get ahead!  A permission slip is required to be signed by the parent/guardian for Off-Campus Learning.

All students – whether they participate in on-campus or off-campus learning – will have access to breakfast and lunch on all Community Learning Days. 

How will staff be involved in CLDs?
Staff will create new on-campus learning experiences based on their personal passions, while forming deeper connections with colleagues across our school community. Staff also will have flexible work time to prepare instructional materials and lessons, participate in professional development, and more. 

We hope you are excited about Community Learning Days as we are. We believe that CLDs will be a transformative addition to our educational program, fostering a joyful and connected environment for our entire learning community. We look forward to seeing the creative and productive ways our students and staff will utilize these days to grow, learn, and thrive.

Thank you for your support and enthusiasm as we embark on this exciting new journey together.


Dr. Matthew Wunder

Da Vinci Schools

Week 2 Preview & First Day

Welcome Back Designers and Design Families!

It feels great to be back to kick-off the new school year. Day One started as it traditionally does with staff cheering in students and gathering together for an assembly, and then heading off to Advisory for games and introductions. This week students got right into the kind of fun and engaging work we do at DVD: team building challenges in Entrepreneurship, relay games in Advisory, a “frozen t-shirt lab” in Physics, illustrated stories in English 9, and so much more! See pictures below from our First Day of School celebration!

This week, students also had a chance to select their Seminar classes. Seminars are classes at the end of the day where students may choose a class based on their interest like a sports/fitness seminar or a fun skill-building seminar like crochet or music appreciation. Student may also be enrolled in an academic support seminar to get extra help or tutoring. Seminars begin on Tuesday, Sept 3rd.

Each week, you can expect to see a blog post here wrapping up the previous week (often with shout-outs, highlights and photos) and announcing the upcoming week’s bell schedule along with other important dates. Here is the Week 2 Bell Schedule for DVD:

Dual Enrollment College Course Announcement: 

This fall semester, Da Vinci Schools is offering 4 dual enrollment partnership courses with El Camino College. All courses are asynchronous online and start next week! Click here for more details and course descriptions.

IMPORTANT: In order to enroll in these classes, Da Vinci Schools will be hosting an application workshop in the RWL Center computer lab (1st floor) on Monday 8/26 from 3:00pm-4:30pm. Students should know their SSN# (if they have one) and whether or not their family is considered a military family when they come.


Key Dates and Upcoming Events:

  • Wed, Aug. 28th: 9th graders leave for Overnighter @ 8:40am
  • Thurs, Aug. 29th: 9th graders return from Overnighter @ approx. 2:30pm
  • Week of Mon, Sept. 2nd: Seminars (P7 & P8) Begin
  • Wed, Sept. 4th & Thurs, Sept. 5th: Picture Day (during English classes)
  • Wed, Sept. 4th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Tues, Sept. 10th: Back to School Night @ 5:30pm
  • Fri, Sept. 13th: No School – Professional Development Day
  • Thurs, Sept. 19th: DV Club & Service Learning Fair

Week 1 DVD Campus Highlight: First Day of School Welcome Assembly

Enroll Now!- Fall 2024 Da Vinci Schools/El Camino College Partnership Courses (Dual Enrollment)

Hello Designers,

Welcome back! This fall semester, Da Vinci Schools is offering 4 dual enrollment partnership courses with El Camino College. All courses are asynchronous online and start next week! Course details are listed below:


In order to enroll in these classes, Da Vinci Schools will be hosting an application workshop in the RWL Center computer lab (1st floor) on Monday 8/26 from 3:00pm-4:30pm. Students should know their SSN# (if they have one) and whether or not their family is considered a military family when they come.

To be eligible to take a dual enrollment class, the student will need to pass all their academic classes, have no credit recovery for a-g classes, and be a rising senior or junior student. Space is limited and we are accepting forms on a first come first serve basis!

AJ 100- Introduction to Administration of Justice
(Asynchronous, Online) – 3 units

This course introduces students to the characteristics of the criminal justice system in the United States. Focus is placed on examining crime measurement, theoretical explanations of crime, responses to crime, components of the system, and current challenges to the system. The course examines the evolution of the principles and approaches utilized by the justice system and the evolving forces which have shaped those principles and approaches. Although justice structure and process are examined in a cross context, emphasis is placed on the United States justice system, particularly the structure and function of police, courts, and corrections. Students are introduced to the origins and development of criminal law, legal process, sentencing, and incarceration policies.

9th-12th Grade students can enroll in this course

BUS 101- Introduction to Business
(Asynchronous, Online) – 3 units

This course is a survey of organization and management factors influencing the establishment, location, and operation of businesses. This course emphasizes the functional area of accounting as well as the legal framework within which business activities are conducted. The course also emphasizes the principles of Total Quality Management (TQM) in a multicultural and globalized environment.

Only 11th and 12th Grade students can enroll in this course


FILM 110- Film Analysis and Appreciation
(Asynchronous, Online) – 3 units

This course provides an introduction to the art and language of film. It covers the critical analysis of film form, narrative structures, genres, and the historical development of cinema. The course explores the major elements of film, including cinematography, editing, sound, and production design, as well as the cultural, social, and ideological contexts in which films are made and received. Students will view and discuss a variety of films, developing skills in film analysis and an appreciation for the artistic and cultural significance of cinema.

Only 10th-12th Grade students can enroll in this course

HDEV 110- Strategies for Success in College and life
(Asynchronous, Online) – 3 units

HDEV 110 is designed to help students develop the skills, knowledge, and behaviors necessary for academic success and personal development. The course covers topics such as goal setting, time management, learning styles, study strategies, critical thinking, and self-awareness. Additionally, it addresses the social and emotional aspects of college life, including stress management, motivation, and interpersonal communication. The course encourages students to explore their educational and career goals while equipping them with tools to navigate the challenges of college and beyond.

Only 11th and 12th Grade students can enroll in this course


If you have any questions, please see have your student see their counselor.


Thank you!


Welcome Back Designers! First Day Monday, August 19th

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

Hope you all are enjoying the tail end of a fun, safe, and restful summer. We are officially just a few days away from the new school year, and we are so excited to be back! The first day of school is Monday, August 19th, 2024. Our staff has been back on campus and hard at work preparing to welcome students back for an excellent year.

For important updates and reminders for the 2024-2025 school year, click here to check out the “DVD New School Year FAQs for Families” page.

Additional important info including the 2024-2025 school calendar, the updated Student and Family Handbook, and New Family Info can also be found in the “Resources” section (to the right via computer, or at the very of this webpage via mobile phone). You can also find highlights of important upcoming dates below.

Welcome back Designers! We look forward to making this year the best one yet!

Team DVD


First Day of School Info: Monday, August 19th

On Monday, August 19th, students will first meet outside near the bike racks, then be welcomed into the Black Box theater. Students walk through a tunnel of cheering teachers to the black box, where the whole school gathers before meeting in small groups within the classrooms. All students will begin the day in Advisory, and will receive their class schedules in Advisory. PowerSchool access is temporarily locked while we upload student schedules – but will be accessible on the first day of school. If a student believes there is an error in their school schedule, students should go to the front office during passing period after Advisory.

Remember: traffic during the first two weeks of school is busier than usual; we recommend you arrive in the parking lot at least 15 minutes before your school start time to ensure your child makes it on time. See parking lot reminders below.

Note: DVD is focused on creating comfortable, enjoyable experiences for our neurodiverse population by priming, posting, and providing. Students can expect loud volume and large crowds. Earplugs will be available near the student check-in at the bike racks. For an alternate entry or other support, please contact Asst. Principal Kirk Takeyama (ktakeyama@davincischools.org) by Sunday, 8/18.

This is the DVD Week One Bell Schedule:

For the 2023-2024 school year, the start time for Da Vinci Design will remain the same at 8:40am Monday-Thursday and the traditional “late start” for Friday is 9:45am. The end time for the school day in 3:45pm each day.

Key Dates and Upcoming Events:

  • Mon, Aug. 19th: First Day of School!
  • Wed, Aug. 21st: 12th & 11th graders sign-up for seminars
  • Thurs, Aug. 22nd: 10th & 9th graders sign-up for seminars
  • Wed, Aug. 28th: 9th graders leave for Overnighter @ 8:40am
  • Thurs, Aug. 29th: 9th graders return from Overnighter @ approx. 2:30pm
  • Week of Mon, Sept. 2nd: Seminars (P7 & P8) Begin
  • Wed, Sept. 4th & Thurs, Sept. 5th: Picture Day (during English classes)
  • Wed, Sept. 4th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Tues, Sept. 10th: Back to School Night @ 5:30pm
  • Fri, Sept. 13th: No School – Professional Development Day
  • Thurs, Sept. 19th: DV Club & Service Learning Fair

Parking Lot Details and Reminders

  • Please drive safely and patiently in the parking lot; this means entering and exiting through the properly marked areas, dropping students off only in marked areas, and following the directions of our grounds supervision crew
  • Drop off areas are located 1) at 201 N. Douglas AND at 2) [East] Grand Avenue. Do NOT stop in traffic to drop off students across the street or anywhere along Duley Road.
  • Remind your students to please stay on the designated pedestrian pathways in order to help maintain their safety as they enter the school campus.
  • Remember: you don’t have to wait to get to the front of line of the drop off area to have your students exit the vehicle.  They should exit as soon as the vehicle has come to a safe, complete stop. This will help to make sure the drop off area is used as efficiently as possible.
  • Students will not be allowed to enter or leave school through the gym or the pool deck at any time.

For updates every week, keep checking back here at the DVD blog!

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