Archive for Grade 12

POL Clothing Closet

Dear Design Families,
Presentations of Learning (POLs) begin next Wednesday 12/11.
One of the expectations for a Presentation of Learning is that students come in professional dress. Professional dress is defined to including the following:
  • Button-down dress shirt (shirt must be tucked in) or non-revealing blouse (must cover shoulders); Suit jacket (optional)
  • Khaki pants or dress pants (no jeans); Dress or skirt that touches tops of knees when standing up straight
  • Closed-toe dress shoes (no sneakers or excessively high heels)
  • Hair should not cover the face
  • Other clothing professional to students’ identity and/or culture
We understand that many families may not be able to put together attire that meets these standards in a short timeline. In order to help our families, the DVD has a POL clothing closet for students to borrow from. The clothing closet is in need of a refresh. If you have clothing or shoes that meet these requirements and that you no longer need, please consider donating them to DVD.
We will accept donations of professional clothing to the downstairs front office, and we welcome students to see if there is something donated that fits their need. We are hopeful that this professional clothing exchange helps us work together as a community to ensure that each student feels comfortable and confident in their presentation!
Students can contact their counselor for any questions.
Thank you for your support!

Happy Thanksgiving Break from DVD! (School Resumes 12/2)

Seasons Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was Exhibition! Our 10th and 12th grade students did a phenomenal job. 10th Grade hosted the 3rd annual Boat Races at the El Segundo Aquatic Center, where our sophomores have used skills and concepts from all classed to design full-scale boats out of reclaimed cardboard and the raced them in the WDV pool. 12th Graders presented their Conscious Consumption Project. Seniors spent time this semester researching how to be conscious consumers, then developed products like lamps, handcrafted tote bags and ad campaigns based off of their research. See photos below from DVD’s Fall 2024 Exhibition!

Next week, 11/25-11/29, there is no school due to Thanksgiving Break. The DVD admin team, DVD front office team and central office team will be available via email on from 8am-4pm on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (11/25-11/27). You can also call Da Vinci Schools at 310-725-5800 to leave a voicemail during business hours and someone will get back to you. All administrative staff will be out of office Thursday and Friday (11/28 & 11/29).

  • For records requests (including work permits): reach out to Office Manager Maria Beltran at
  • For attendance and student information: reach out to Admin. Support Manager Leslie Alonso at
  • For all other questions or concerns, reach out to Principal Russell Stoll at

School resumes on Monday, December 2nd. Here is the Week 15 DVD Bell Schedule:


We want extend a BIG THANK YOU to all of the DVD families who made contributions to our DVD staff gratitude baskets; thanks to all of you for donating time, treats, and messages of gratitude to our staff to help send them off on a much deserved break with a little something to let them know how appreciated they are. We love our DVD families!

The Parent Advisory Committee (PAC) had its first meeting of the year on Tuesday Nov. 19th. PAC is an opportunity for parents, students, & staff to work collaboratively to review the school program, review data and identify needs, & make recommendations regarding the School Safety Plan & the Local Control and Accountability Plan (LCAP). And this year it will be more important than ever as we gear up for our six-year WASC accreditation cycle and two exciting research partnerships. On Nov. 19th we discussed the purpose of of the committee, “what’s new” for 2024-2025, and research partnerships with UCLA and America Succeeds. If you are interested in seeing the slides and information shared during PAC #1, click here for the meeting slideshow or see the “DVD Parent Info Sessions & Coffee with Admin Slides” document on the DVD blog.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Monday Nov. 25th – Friday Nov. 29th: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
  • Mon, Dec. 2nd: School Resumes!
  • Mon, Dec. 2nd: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting #2
    • 5pm via Zoom; Link coming soon
  • Wed, Dec. 4th: Coffee w/ Admin
    • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
    • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Presentations of Learning (POLs), 4) Q&A
    • Zoom Link:
  • Tues, Dec. 10th: Parent Advisory Committee #2
    • 5pm via Zoom
    • Agenda: 1) Welcome, Introductions and Public Comment, 2) School Safety Plan Review, 3) WASC Introduction & Report Feedback
    • Zoom Link:
  • Wednesday Dec. 11th – Wednesday Dec. 18th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Wed Dec. 11th: Regular Leave Time at 3:45pm
    • Thurs Dec. 12th- Thurs Dec. 19th: *Modified Schedule* (8:40am-1:45pm Minimum Day)
  • Thurs, Dec. 19th: LAST DAY of the Semester (8:40am-1:45pm Minimum Day)
  • Fri, Dec. 20th: NO SCHOOL – Staff Development

Week 14 Campus Highlight: Fall 2024 Exhibition

Thanksgiving Food Drive


DVD and DV Connect K-8 are working in conjunction with Big Sunday and their 13th annual Thanksgiving Stuffing Event.


DVD will be collecting canned goods in our advisories.  The main items we want to collect are:
Canned green beans ( any brand )
Canned corn ( any brand )
To help Connect with their drive, we can also accept:
Bruce’s Canned Yams ( 15 oz )
Ocean Spray Jellied Cranberry Sauce ( 14 oz )
We appreciate your support!

Show Your Gratitude for DVD Staff

Dear DVD Students, Parents, and Guardians,

As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, we are all grateful for the tremendous work of our school staff – from our teachers to counselors to paraeducators to custodians to front office staff. To show our appreciation, we are organizing Thanksgiving baskets to deliver to our school staff on Friday, November 22nd. The idea is that each staff member will receive one basket containing treats and words of appreciation from students and families.

Here is how you can contribute to the baskets of Thanksgiving:

  1. Items: If you are interested and able to purchase something to show your appreciation, please consider non-perishable items such as: individually wrapped items (popcorn, gummies, trail mix, chips, hot chocolate, pretzels, candy, cookies), gift cards ($5 to Target, Starbucks, etc.), coffee drinks, sparkling water, tea, and any other non-perishable snacks. We need donated items collected by: Thursday, November 21st. All items can be left in a donation box on the first floor front office. 
  2. Words of Appreciation: There is nothing that means more to school staff than words of appreciation or encouragement. Please consider handwriting a note of thanks or typing one digitally here: DVD Staff Appreciation Notes We will be printing these digital messages and including all words of appreciation in the baskets. Handwritten notes can be dropped off by Thursday November 21st.

With gratitude for your ongoing encouragement and support,

Russell Stoll, Principal

Kirk Takeyama, Assistant Principal

Korina Barefield, Dean of Student Success and Culture

“FAFSA Fridays” Workshop Series- FAFSA Essentials for First-Time Parents



  • Friday, November 22nd, 2024 (6-7:30 p.m.)
  • Friday, December 6th, 2024 (6-7:30 p.m.) *Ayuda en Español*
  • Friday, January 17th, 2025 (6-7:30 p.m.)
  • Friday, February 7th, 2025 (6-7:30 p.m.)

Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material.


  • Da Vinci Communications Room 3203

Workshop Description:
Join us for a practical, hands-on FAFSA Workshop designed specifically for parents navigating the FAFSA process for the first time. In this 1 hour and 30-minute session, you’ll learn the essentials of the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA), including what it is, why it matters for your family’s financial planning, and how to complete it accurately and confidently.

We’ll start by breaking down the FAFSA process, covering everything from basic eligibility requirements to deadlines, key documents, and common questions about financial aid. Then, parents will have the chance to practice filling out a sample FAFSA, with guidance from experts available to answer questions in real-time.

What You’ll Gain From This Workshop:

  • Clear Understanding of FAFSA Basics: Learn the purpose of the FAFSA, how it affects college affordability, and what types of aid your student could qualify for.
  • Step-by-Step Guidance: We’ll walk you through each section of the FAFSA form, demystifying terms, identifying common challenges, and clarifying exactly what information you’ll need to provide.
  • Hands-On Practice: Work on a mock FAFSA application to get comfortable with the format and practice identifying tools, documents, and information you’ll need for the real application.
  • Tools & Tips for Success: Get expert tips on maximizing your student’s financial aid opportunities and take home a checklist of essential resources to keep the process smooth.

By the end of this workshop, you’ll feel equipped and empowered to tackle the FAFSA with confidence and ensure your student gets access to the financial resources they deserve.


Click HERE to register. Participants should register for ONE workshop as all workshops will cover the same material.

For families who speak Spanish/prefer help in Spanish, register for the December 6th workshop.

Familias que necesitan ayuda en español, por favor regístrense para el 6 de diciembre.

Week 12 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was Spirit Week at Da Vinci Design! We had so much fun in particular with our “Student-Teacher Swap” day, where students and staff got the chance to walk in each others’ shoes. We also held our annual Halloween costume contest on Thursday – congrats to all of our winners! We are ending the week with our fall dance, which is masquerade themed and will be a great way to round out Spirit Week. See Spirit Week photos below.

Here is the bell schedule for Week 12 at Da Vinci Design:

With the end of the semester and POLs approaching soon, it is time for our last round of progress reports. Progress reports are being mailed home next week on Nov. 8th. The purpose of progress reports is to give families the opportunity to have a snapshot of student progress, and to be able to have a conversation at home with students about how to stay successful in school. This information will also be used by teachers and counselors in their plans to support all students. Please follow up with your child’s teachers directly with any questions about assignments or grades.

It is time for our biannual family and student surveys! Next week, you will receive an email from a survey app called Kelvin. This is not spam! Please follow the prompt to complete an online survey from Kelvin to share your feedback on Da Vinci Design. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete the survey. We appreciate your time and your feedback!

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
    • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
    • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) DVD Research Partnerships w/ UCLA and America Succeeds, 4) Q&A
    • Zoom Link:
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Community Learning Day #2
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition Night! (Grade 10 and 12)

College Rep Visits (Week 12 & 13): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • Santa Monica College – Mon, Nov. 4th
  • Woodbury University – Tues, Nov. 12th

Campus Highlight: Spirit Week and Halloween Costume Contest (Week 11)

South Bay Families Connected

Did you know that Da Vinci Schools are included among 115 South Bay Families Connected Partner Schools? Through this partnership, our parents and staff have free access to resources and educational events addressing a wide array of youth wellness topics, from healthy tech use to substance use prevention. We invite you to attend any of their upcoming events, including screenings of the new Screenagers film and the fentanyl prevention film “Come Back Home”, as well as the monthly Families Connected Parent Chat support group. Be sure to check-out this month’s Families Connected newsletter and sign-up to gain access to new resources and events each month. For our own unique youth wellness resource page, visit Da Vinci Families Connected. Together as a community, we strive to help our youth thrive.

AllCove Mental Health & Wellness resources


Attached please find the event and workshop calendar for AllCove, a robust community center right here in the South Bay. AllCove offers:

  • Mental health.
  • Physical health.
  • Substance use.
  • Peer support.
  • Family support.
  • Supported education and employment.

Below are some events that might be of interest to you and your student:


AllCove Open House – Saturday, October 5th

Clothing Upcycle Event, Thursday, October 17th from 4:30 – 6:00pm

Social Emotional:

Healthy Relationships Workshop – Saturday, October 12th, 19th and 26th – 12 – 1:30p

Gender Identity Dialogue – Tuesday, October 1, 15, 29 – 5 – 6:00pm


Finding your Voice in College Essays – Wednesday, October 9th, 16th from 4:30 – 6:00pm

First Generation College Bound – Tuesday, October 22nd, 5 – 6pm


Call for more information:

allcove Beach Cities

(310) 374-5706

Wellness Screener and OPT OUT

Dear DVD Families,

The number of youth nationally experiencing anxiety and depression has risen 30% in recent years according to U.S. Health and Human Services. In an effort to be more proactive in supporting students’ mental health, a wellness screener will be given on September 16th and September 18th to all students during advisory at Da Vinci Design HS to identify students who may need support. Results from the screener will be used by the counselors to offer students interventions such as coping skills groups, counselor check ins, and referrals for therapy.

Scores will not be shared with students or parents/guardians. Parent/guardian consent is required if a student is referred to receive counseling services delivered by Antioch or Luminarias therapists. If you would like your student to OPT-OUT and NOT PARTICIPATE in the screener, please fill out the form by Monday, September 16th.

Be Well,
DVD Counselors



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