Archive for 10 Grade

Next Week is SLC Week at Da Vinci Design (10/14-10/17)

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

Next week is SLC week at Da Vinci Design October 14th-17th, and we are excited to have you on campus with us! SLCs are an important time when parents and teachers come together for a meeting led by the student. It is a time to highlight a student’s strengths and hard work, to encourage students to set new goals, and to ask guiding questions so students can take ownership of their learning. Every student is expected to participate in leading an SLC with a parent/guardian present this semester. SLCs will happen in-person. See below for SLC schedules and details presented by each grade level teaching team.

Reminders for families arriving for SLCs:

  • Families can find parking anywhere in the lot north of 201 N. Douglas St.
  • Please check-in on the 1st floor upon arriving to get a name tag and find which classroom to report to
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time to allow time to check-in

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Please click here for the parent/guardian expectations and FAQs for Student Led Conferences; in English and en Espanol.

Student Board Applications – Deadline Tonight at 11:59pm

Do you want to make a difference at Da Vinci Schools? Do you want a seat at the table? Consider becoming a student board advisor or coordinator and make your voice heard!

Student board advisors present monthly to the Da Vinci Schools Board of Trustees and you will provide perspective, insights and regular school updates.
Your participation gives current and future students a voice for years to come. Click here to apply!
Student board advisors:
Two positions open from each of the following schools (a total of 10 positions)
  • DV Communications
  • DV Connect TK-8
  • DV Connect High
  • DV Design
  • DV Science
Student board coordinators:
  • Two (2) positions open
  • Can be from any school and assists student board members in preparing for meetings
You may submit applications for both coordinator and advisor roles. For more information and details, please speak with your school’s principal.
*Please note: Students can only access the application using their DV email*
All student board advisors and coordinators meet on the first Monday of the month with Dr. Matt Wunder, CEO of Da Vinci Schools, to discuss students’ daily experiences at school. After the first few meetings with the CEO, the rest will be student-led. The first board presentation will be November 20th.


AllCove Mental Health & Wellness resources


Attached please find the event and workshop calendar for AllCove, a robust community center right here in the South Bay. AllCove offers:

  • Mental health.
  • Physical health.
  • Substance use.
  • Peer support.
  • Family support.
  • Supported education and employment.

Below are some events that might be of interest to you and your student:


AllCove Open House – Saturday, October 5th

Clothing Upcycle Event, Thursday, October 17th from 4:30 – 6:00pm

Social Emotional:

Healthy Relationships Workshop – Saturday, October 12th, 19th and 26th – 12 – 1:30p

Gender Identity Dialogue – Tuesday, October 1, 15, 29 – 5 – 6:00pm


Finding your Voice in College Essays – Wednesday, October 9th, 16th from 4:30 – 6:00pm

First Generation College Bound – Tuesday, October 22nd, 5 – 6pm


Call for more information:

allcove Beach Cities

(310) 374-5706

Wellness Screener and OPT OUT

Dear DVD Families,

The number of youth nationally experiencing anxiety and depression has risen 30% in recent years according to U.S. Health and Human Services. In an effort to be more proactive in supporting students’ mental health, a wellness screener will be given on September 16th and September 18th to all students during advisory at Da Vinci Design HS to identify students who may need support. Results from the screener will be used by the counselors to offer students interventions such as coping skills groups, counselor check ins, and referrals for therapy.

Scores will not be shared with students or parents/guardians. Parent/guardian consent is required if a student is referred to receive counseling services delivered by Antioch or Luminarias therapists. If you would like your student to OPT-OUT and NOT PARTICIPATE in the screener, please fill out the form by Monday, September 16th.

Be Well,
DVD Counselors



DVD Atlas Is Going To Greece In Spring 2026

Dear DVD Students and Families,
Atlas@Design is our school’s travel program that has been traveling for over 12 years all around the world. We are excited to open up enrollment for our next adventure, GREECE, which will take place during Spring Break of 2026. If your student is interested, please join us on Thursday, September 12 at 6:30pm for a Zoom info meeting. You can register for the meeting using the QR code on the flyer or by going to this page:
Reach out to Frank Solis at if you have any questions. 

Week 36 & End of Year Updates

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was the last week of regular classes at DVD! And, we had so much to celebrate as we wrap up what has been a great year at DVD. We marked our Seniors’ final exhibition with the annual Senior Showcase event on Wednesday night. Then, our Queer Student Union hosted a community dialogue in honor of Pride Month on Friday morning. Finally, we are ending the week by dancing it out with “Banda Night” hosted by our Latinx Student Union. See below for photos from the 12th grade Senior Showcase event!

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are happening NEXT WEEK (5/28 – 6/4). POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning.

Please note: PowerSchool access is locked for students and parents starting 5/28 and through summer for end of semester report card preparation, and in order to prepare schedules for the Fall 2024 semester. If you have questions regarding Spring 2024 report cards or grades, reach out to your counselor via email, and you will receive a reply when school staff return in August.

Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

Here is the Week 37 + 38 Bell Schedule:

Graduation Ceremony Info for 12th Grade Parents/Guardians and Families:

As graduation nears, we wanted to provide you with specific information regarding the day of the Graduation Ceremony. In order to accommodate everyone for this large gathering and celebration, please review this key information, and click here for more info:

DVD Graduation Parent Information (Spring 2024)

  • DVD Graduation Ceremony Start Time: June 6th, 2024 at 1:00PM
  • Guests Arrive and Doors Open: 12:00PM 
  • *All Graduates MUST arrive at 12:00PM*
  • Address: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Parking Main lot: 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo, CA 90245 (passes required)
  • Parking Overflow Lot: 550 Continental, El Segundo, CA 90245
  • Live Stream Link:

10th Grade Design Pathways Selection Resources

Leading up to POLs, 10th grade students have been receiving information in their Fundamentals of Design 2 class with Mr. Kartez about the CTE Pathway Selection process. During POLs, Sophomores will complete a survey selecting their preferences for whether they want to be in the Architecture, Graphic Design, Entrepreneurship, or Fine Arts pathway. This pathway course selection will dictate their  schedule for 11th and 12th grade year.
Please look at the resource posted here so that you can help discuss this important decision as a family: Class of 2026 Pathways Selection Slides For Families
The final decision will be made in their Sophomore design class as part of their POLs. ALL Sophomores must complete the Pathways Selection Survey in order to have their preference considered for their 11th grade courses.
For questions, please reach out to your counselor.

Key Dates and Upcoming Events

  • Tues, May 28th – Tues, June 4th: Presentations of Learning (POLs)
    • Minimum day schedules – school out at 1:45pm
    • *NOTE: School starts at 8:40am on Friday, 5/31 (not 9:45am) due to POL schedule
  • Wed, June 5th: Last Day of Classes for 2023-24 School Year
  • Thurs, June 6th at 1pm: DVD Graduation Ceremony
    • 12pm: Call time for all graduates
    • Location: Gym @ 201 N. Douglas, tickets required
  • Fri, June 7th: Report Cards Mailed Home
  • Mon, June 10th: First Day of Summer Session 1

Week 36 Campus Highlights: 12th Grade Exhibition – Senior Showcase:

9th/10th Grade Family College Planning Information Session

Hello DVD 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Families,

On Thursday, May 2nd we welcome DVD 9th and 10th grade families and on Wednesday May 8th we invite DVD 11th grade families to join us from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Blackbox on the first floor of the 201 campus, for their College Planning Information Sessions.

9th & 10th Grade Click here to reserve your spot.

11th Grade Click HERE to reserve your spot.

All students and parents/guardians are welcome!  Please contact a DVD counselor with any questions!

Pam Baker                             Nicole Tafoya                                    Omar Sanchez


We hope to see you there!


April Edition of DVD Coffee with Admin Today at 8am and 5pm

Good Morning DVD Parents and Guardians!

Today at 8am and 5pm, join the DVD admin team for our monthly “Coffee with Admin” chat. Simply join via Zoom and bring any school-related questions, or sit back and hear about school updates. Hope to see you there!

Wed, April 10th: Coffee w/ Admin

  • All parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team
  • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
  • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Testing Info and Updates, 4) Teens on Social Media, 5) Q&A
  • Zoom Link:

Student Led Conference Dates (March 11-March 14)

Good Morning Designers and Design Families,

We are getting ready for Student Led Conferences (aka: SLCs) in a few weeks! SLCs are an important time when parents and teachers come together for a meeting led by the student. It is a time to highlight a student’s strengths and hard work, to encourage students to set new goals, and to ask guiding questions so students can take ownership of their learning. We look forward to having you on campus!

Every student is expected to participate in leading an SLC this semester with a parent / guardian present. SLCs happen in-person and on campus. Having a family member present is an important part of the process. Thank you for doing your part and showing up for your child for their SLC!

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Please see the letter to families here for more details about SLCs. This letter was sent home with progress reports, and has helpful reminders about SLCs for parents/guardians.

Schedule reminder: We have minimum days Mon-Thurs (3/11-3/14) during SLC week. Students will be released at 1:45pm. Friday (3/15) will be a Professional Development day for teachers and school will not be in session.

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