Archive for Author Russell Stoll

Show Your Gratitude for DVD Staff

Dear DVD Students, Parents, and Guardians,

As we approach the season of Thanksgiving, we are all grateful for the tremendous work of our school staff – from our teachers to counselors to paraeducators to custodians to front office staff. To show our appreciation, we are organizing Thanksgiving baskets to deliver to our school staff on Friday, November 22nd. The idea is that each staff member will receive one basket containing treats and words of appreciation from students and families.

Here is how you can contribute to the baskets of Thanksgiving:

  1. Items: If you are interested and able to purchase something to show your appreciation, please consider non-perishable items such as: individually wrapped items (popcorn, gummies, trail mix, chips, hot chocolate, pretzels, candy, cookies), gift cards ($5 to Target, Starbucks, etc.), coffee drinks, sparkling water, tea, and any other non-perishable snacks. We need donated items collected by: Wednesday, November 20th. All items can be left in a donation box on the first floor front office.

  2. Words of Appreciation: There is nothing that means more to school staff than words of appreciation or encouragement. Please consider handwriting a note of thanks or typing one digitally here: DVD Staff Appreciation Notes We will be printing these digital messages and including all words of appreciation in the baskets. Handwritten notes can be dropped off by Monday November 14th. 

With gratitude for your ongoing encouragement and support,

Russell Stoll, Principal

Kirk Takeyama, Assistant Principal

Korina Barefield, Dean of Student Success and Culture

Week 13 Updates

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Last week, we had our second Community Learning Day (CLD) on Friday, November 8th. Students who came to campus for in-person activities got to experience workshops on manufacturing, on college applications, and service learning just to name a few! Please remind your students to complete the CLD reflection form, whether they engaged in learning on or off campus, to make sure they get credit for attendance!

Thank you to the families who joined us for our Coffee with Admin meeting last Wednesday! It is great getting the chance to meet with families, hear what is on your mind, and share the great things happening at DVD. If you did not get a chance to meet with us this week, click here for the Coffee with DVD Admin slides from November 2024Coffee with DVD Admin happens at 8am and 5pm via Zoom on the first Wednesday of every month.

Here is the Week 13 Bell Schedule for DVD:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Fri, Nov. 15th: Community Dialogue (Go Sports!)
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition! (Grade 10 and 12)
  • Mon, Nov. 25th – Fri, Nov. 29th: NO SCHOOL – Thanksgiving Break
  • Mon, Dec. 2nd: School Resumes!

“Coffee with Admin” Zoom for DVD Families Today at 8am and 5pm

Good Evening DVD Parents and Guardians,

Today, Wednesday Nov. 6th, at 8am and 5pm join the DVD admin team for our monthly “Coffee with Admin” chat. Simply log on via Zoom and bring any school-related questions, or just sit back, relax, and hear about school updates. This will be our third Coffee with Admin of the 2024-25 school year. Hope to see you there!

Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin

  • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
  • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
  • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) DVD Research Partnerships w/ UCLA and America Succeeds, 4) Q&A
  • Zoom Link:

Week 12 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week was Spirit Week at Da Vinci Design! We had so much fun in particular with our “Student-Teacher Swap” day, where students and staff got the chance to walk in each others’ shoes. We also held our annual Halloween costume contest on Thursday – congrats to all of our winners! We are ending the week with our fall dance, which is masquerade themed and will be a great way to round out Spirit Week. See Spirit Week photos below.

Here is the bell schedule for Week 12 at Da Vinci Design:

With the end of the semester and POLs approaching soon, it is time for our last round of progress reports. Progress reports are being mailed home next week on Nov. 8th. The purpose of progress reports is to give families the opportunity to have a snapshot of student progress, and to be able to have a conversation at home with students about how to stay successful in school. This information will also be used by teachers and counselors in their plans to support all students. Please follow up with your child’s teachers directly with any questions about assignments or grades.

It is time for our biannual family and student surveys! Next week, you will receive an email from a survey app called Kelvin. This is not spam! Please follow the prompt to complete an online survey from Kelvin to share your feedback on Da Vinci Design. It should take less than 10 minutes to complete the survey. We appreciate your time and your feedback!

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
    • All DVD parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team.
    • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) DVD Research Partnerships w/ UCLA and America Succeeds, 4) Q&A
    • Zoom Link:
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Community Learning Day #2
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition Night! (Grade 10 and 12)

College Rep Visits (Week 12 & 13): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • Santa Monica College – Mon, Nov. 4th
  • Woodbury University – Tues, Nov. 12th

Campus Highlight: Spirit Week and Halloween Costume Contest (Week 11)

Week 11 Preview: Spirit Week!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week at Da Vinci Schools, we celebrated Red Ribbon Week. There were several events on campus to bring awareness to and share resources about drug prevention awareness and health. This year’s theme is: “Life is a Movie. Film Drug Free”. We hope to strengthen anti-drug-use attitudes and norms through sharing information. Especially with Halloween around the corner, we ask all of our students to be safe and make good choices as they engage in holiday festivities and social gatherings. If you would like to review any of the resources shared, please click here.

We are excited to celebrate Spirit Week on our campus next week with dress up days, leading up to our annual Halloween costume contest on Thursday. Please help remind all students that while costumes are encouraged, students are not allowed to bring prop weapons, full face masks, or excessive gore/blood. All costumes must be school appropriate, and students not in costume must adhere to dress code.

Here is the bell schedule for Week 11 at Da Vinci Design:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Community Learning Day #2
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition Night! (Grade 10 and 12)

College Rep Visits (Week 11, 12 & 13): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • University of California San Diego – Thurs, Oct. 31st
  • Santa Monica College – Mon, Nov. 4th
  • Woodbury University – Tues, Nov. 12th

ELAC Meeting Tomorrow Via Zoom at 5pm

Dear DVD Parents,
DVD will host its very first English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting via Zoom on Wednesday, October 23rd, at 5pm:
As a community member of DVD, we want to remind you that you have a platform to advocate for your student. While there are a lot of ways stay on top of what is happening  satchool, the more direct form to be involved is through a student/parent committee.
By state law, a school that has a certain number EL (English Learners) needs to comprise an English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC). For this reason, we are requesting your assistance. This committee needs to be comprised of teachers, parents, and EL students in order to come up with a plan to better serve this student body.
The first meeting will be conducted in English and in Spanish depending on who is in attendance and what individual needs are.
For any additional questions, please email Mr. Villanueva at:
Estimados Padres,
La escuela Davinci Design va a tener su primera cita de ELAC por via de ZOOM, el miercoles, 23 de octubre, del 2024 a las 5pm. Pueden ingresar usando este enlace:
Como padre o guardian de un estudiante considerado/a “E.L. (aprendiendo ingles),” usted tiene una plataforma para saber como le va a su hijo/a. Mientras hay muchas maneras de estar pendiente de los estudios de un alumno, la mas directa manera es formar parte de un comité de escuela.
Por ley, una escuela que tenga mas de 21 estudiantes “English Learners,” necesitan tener un comite de ELAC (English Learner Advisory Committee). Por esta razon, esperamos que podramos contar con usted. Este comite necesita estar formado de padres de familia y empleados de escuela para realizar un plan que mejor ayude nuestros estudiantes que estan aprendiendo ingles o mejorando su ingles.
Asi que por favor ayudenos abogar mejor para su estudiante aprendiendo ingles y acompañenos en esta tarde. Durante esta junta, tambien estaremos votando por miembros oficiales del comite.
Las citas de comite ELAC estaran conducidas en espanol si tenemos suficientes padres en asistencia. Su participacion es muy importante para el bienestar de sus estudiante y de nuestra escuela.
Si tienen alguna pregunta o comentario, favor de hacerlas al Sr. Villanueva:

Week 10 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

So much good stuff happened at DVD this week! From SLCs and spirit week, to the MultiCultural Food Fair and Feeling Well Friday in 12th grade. On Wednesday, students had a chance to go to the annual Aviation Career Day field trip at LAX via our Real World Learning Program. We had a great time wrapping up the week with Community Dialogue, hosted by our Latinx Student Union, in honor of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month. We played games, had live music, and danced our way into the weekend! See photos from CD below!
Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 10 at Da Vinci Design:

Next week, students are getting ready for Red Ribbon Week® here at Da Vinci celebrated Oct 21-25th. What Is Red Ribbon Week? It is a way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs and celebrate healthy lifestyle choices and habits. We hope to have students show their personal commitment to a drug-free and healthy lifestyle through participation in various activities October 21 – 25th. Da Vinci students will see health related content in class through presentations, have an opportunity to learn how to use the life saving medication Narcan for opioid overdoses, take part in a Free vaccination clinic as a preventative health activity and engage in open dialogues around the importance of healthy choices. Reach out to Emily Green ( our Director of Health Services for more info!

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Oct. 21: Baseball Jersey Spirit Day
  • Mon, Oct. 21 (@4:45pm): Ribbon-Cutting Ceremony of the new WDV Soccer Field at 201 N. Douglas Street
  • Wed, Oct. 23rd, at 5pm: English Learner Advisory Committee (ELAC) meeting
  • Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Community Learning Day #2
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition Night! (Grade 10 and 12)

College Rep Visits (Week 9 & 10): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • New York University – Tues, Oct. 22nd
  • Syracuse University – Thurs, Oct. 24th

Campus Highlight Week 9: Community Dialogue in honor of Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month

Next Week is Red Ribbon Week at DV

Students are getting ready for Red Ribbon Week® here at Da Vinci celebrated Oct 21-25th. What Is Red Ribbon Week? It is a way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs and celebrate healthy lifestyle choices and habits. We hope to have students show their personal commitment to a drug-free and healthy lifestyle through participation in various activities October 21 – 25th. Da Vinci students will see health related content in class through presentations, have an opportunity to learn how to use the life saving medication Narcan for opioid overdoses, take part in a Free vaccination clinic as a preventative health activity and engage in open dialogues around the importance of healthy choices. 

This year’s theme is: “Life is a Movie. Film Drug Free”. We hope to strengthen anti-drug-use attitudes and norms through sharing information. Please partner with us and discuss this message at home, at the dinner table, at family outings, and with friends and extended family. Ask your child to tell you about things they hear at school about Red Ribbon Week®!

Parent Resources: 

From our partners at South Bay Families Connected,  Monday October 21, 2023 6-730p in person at Manhattan Beach Middle School What I Wish My Parents Knew: Dangers of Youth Substance Use and Fentanyl — Families Connected ( featuring a film screening and panel discussion from youth around what they wish their parents knew in order to better support our young people. 

Save the date Wednesday, October 23rd 330-630pm Da Vinci Schools is hosting a mobile vaccination clinic for those wanting a free Flu shot, updated COVID booster, or TDAP! Located at 201 N Douglas Street in the Blackbox, walk-ins are welcome! Bring your insurance card and students under 18 can walk in if they have a consent form completed by parent. 

One fun way to start or continue the conversation about drug prevention and healthy lifestyle choices with your children AND have a chance to win an iPad? National Family Partnership is sponsoring a photo contest. The photo contest is free and you could win an iPad and $1,000 for our school!! Log onto and find out more!

Week 9 Preview: SLCs Oct. 14th-17th

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

We hope you all enjoyed the first Community Learning Day today! It was great having such fun activities happening on campus today – be it financial literacy workshops, knitting and crochet, manufacturing in the CTE lab, or exploring careers! For those of you who were not on campus today we hope you were able to have a nice and productive day catching up on work or engaging in a fun off-campus learning opportunity!
Don’t forget that in order to receive credit for their Community Learning Day, ALL students must complete the CLD Attendance Form .
Next week is also a spirit week in honor to Latinx/Hispanic Heritage Month! Our Latinx Student Union (LSU) announced dress up days so that the entire school can celebrate Latinx culture, and next week will culminate in a community dialogue celebration hosted by LSU. See the spirit week flyer below!
Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 9 (SLC Week) at Da Vinci Design:

Next week is SLC week at Da Vinci Design October 14th-17th, and we are excited to have you on campus with us! SLCs are an important time when parents and teachers come together for a meeting led by the student. It is a time to highlight a student’s strengths and hard work, to encourage students to set new goals, and to ask guiding questions so students can take ownership of their learning. Every student is expected to participate in leading an SLC with a parent/guardian present this semester. SLCs will happen in-person. See below for SLC schedules and details presented by each grade level teaching team.

Reminders for families arriving for SLCs:

  • Families can find parking anywhere in the lot north of 201 N. Douglas St.
  • Please check-in on the 1st floor upon arriving to get a name tag and find which classroom to report to
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time to allow time to check-in

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Please click here for the parent/guardian expectations and FAQs for Student Led Conferences; in English and en Espanol.

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Mon, Oct. 14th – Thurs, Oct. 17th: Student Led Conference (SLCs) *MINIMUM DAY SCHEDULE*
  • Wed, Nov. 6th: Coffee w/ Admin @8am and @5pm via Zoom
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Community Learning Day #2
  • Fri, Nov. 8th: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Mon, Nov. 11: NO SCHOOL – Veteran’s Day Holiday
  • Thurs, Nov. 21st: DVD Exhibition Night! (Grade 10 and 12)

College Rep Visits (Week 9 & 10): Seniors can sign up via Naviance

  • College for Creative Studies – Fri, Oct. 18th
  • New York University – Tues, Oct. 22nd
  • Syracuse University – Thurs, Oct. 24th

LSU Spirit Week Flyer (Week 9)

Next Week is SLC Week at Da Vinci Design (10/14-10/17)

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

Next week is SLC week at Da Vinci Design October 14th-17th, and we are excited to have you on campus with us! SLCs are an important time when parents and teachers come together for a meeting led by the student. It is a time to highlight a student’s strengths and hard work, to encourage students to set new goals, and to ask guiding questions so students can take ownership of their learning. Every student is expected to participate in leading an SLC with a parent/guardian present this semester. SLCs will happen in-person. See below for SLC schedules and details presented by each grade level teaching team.

Reminders for families arriving for SLCs:

  • Families can find parking anywhere in the lot north of 201 N. Douglas St.
  • Please check-in on the 1st floor upon arriving to get a name tag and find which classroom to report to
  • Please arrive 10 minutes before your scheduled time to allow time to check-in

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Please click here for the parent/guardian expectations and FAQs for Student Led Conferences; in English and en Espanol.

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