Archive for Author Russell Stoll

PowerSchool Access & School Site Council Interest

Hello Designers and Design Families,

PowerSchool access should now be restored for all DVD parents/guardians and students.

  • If you are a parent/guardian who did not receive your PowerSchool log in information, please send an email to Maria Beltran at
  • If you are a student who needs access, please ask your English teacher for your login info.

The School Site Council is an opportunity for parents, students, & staff to work collaboratively to review the school program, review data and identify needs, make recommendations for the Local Control and Accountability Plan, and approve the Single/School Plan for Student Achievement. School Site Council meets quarterly to do this important work.

All submissions will be added to a voting form that will go out to the DVD parent community on September 9. School Site Council members will be notified on Friday September 10, and the first School Site Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, September 15. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me at

Week 4 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

What an exciting week! Seminars are back up and running, and we had a lovely Back to School Night event. It was so great to have parents, families, and lots of alumni siblings back on campus. If you were not able to participate in Back to School Night this year, not to worry – you can find the presentations given from each grade level by clicking on the links here:

Next week, we have a short week due to the Labor Day Holiday – there is no school on Monday, 9/6. See the bell schedule for the coming week below. Tuesday will be an all periods day so that students meet with all of their teachers after the long weekend.

DVD Week 3 Bell Schedule

Please take a minute to review our updated semester 1 calendar, as we have made a few changes and additions including our first School Site Council meeting on Wednesday 9/15.

The School Site Council is an opportunity for parents, students, & staff to work collaboratively to review the school program, review data and identify needs, make recommendations for the Local Control and Accountability Plan, and approve the Single/School Plan for Student Achievement.

All submissions will be added to a voting form that will go out to the DVD parent community on September 9. School Site Council members will be notified on Friday September 10, and the first School Site Council meeting will be held via Zoom on Wednesday, September 15. If you have any questions, feel free to send them to me at

Have a great holiday weekend!

The DVD Club Request Form is Open!

Hello Potential DVD Club Leaders,

Interested in starting a club? Here is the form to fill out in order to apply to be a club leader this year! This application (via Google Form) is due by Wednesday, September 8th.

UPDATE: DVD clubs WILL be allowed to meet during lunch (outdoors), before school, or after school.

All students are welcome to start a club by applying for your club here:

ALL CLUBS MUST COMPLETE THIS APPLICATION: NEW AND RETURNING CLUBS MUST APPLY. Clubs are not considered approved unless the student leader receives an approval email from their school administrator. Please see the slides shared during the club leader informational meeting yesterday for more details:

DVD Week 3: Back to School Night & Seminars Begin

Greetings Designers,

We are so excited to welcome families to campus for Back to School Night on Thursday, 9/2 from 5:30pm-7:30pm. This year, our BTSN agenda will give families an opportunity to meet Grade Level teams and administrators for a presentation outdoors. Then, families will head upstairs for a self-guided tour and a chance to visit with teachers one-on-one. See the agenda below:


Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 4.39.54 PM

Next week, we’ll have our first Regular Bell Schedule week (see below), including our first week of seminars! Students had the opportunity to select from a wide variety of seminars. We look forward to meeting with our new seminar classes next week!

Screen Shot 2021-08-27 at 4.46.33 PM

Week 2 Preview

Hello Designers and Design Families,

That’s a wrap for Week One! We had such a fantastic first week on campus with our students and staff – we are so excited for the school year to come.

Here is a preview of the schedule for next week:

DVD Week 2 Bell Schedule

Here is what is on the horizon for Week 2 & 3:

  • Students will sign up for their seminars this week during advisory class. Seminar descriptions will be available first thing Monday.
  • Back to School Night is on Thurs, Sept. 2nd from 5:30pm-7:30pm. Stay tuned for details.

Have a safe and restful weekend, Designers!

Important Announcement: Overnighter

Dear Da Vinci Families,

We are excited to welcome students back next week. The health and safety of our students and staff are our top priority, and Da Vinci Schools has implemented an extensive set of measures to promote a safe environment on our school campuses.

I am writing to share with you an update regarding the Da Vinci “Overnighter” events planned for 9th and 10th grade students attending Da Vinci Design, Da Vinci Communications, and Da Vinci Science. In order to ensure the health and safety of our Da Vinci students, I have made the difficult decision in consultation with our Da Vinci Schools trustees to delay the Overnighter events until COVID case rates improve to a level that lowers the risk of the highly transmissible COVID Delta variant.

We have been tracking case rates in Los Angeles County, with current case rates increasing to the high levels that Los Angeles County experienced earlier this year. Very recent information has become available regarding COVID outbreaks, including risks associated with activities that place students in close contact with each other and staff. Da Vinci Schools continues to follow state and local requirements to keep our students safe at school; however, the Overnighters require groups of students to sleep in close proximity in the same cabins, increasing the risk of transmission. For this reason, we have opted to delay the Overnighters at this time.

The Overnighter is a very special signature practice at Da Vinci Schools that alumni look back on as one of the most important events of their high school experience. Like our approach to the 2020 graduation when we postponed and then later held an in-person ceremony, we will make good on this promise to hold the Overnighters again as soon as possible.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Should you have any further questions or concerns, please contact me at

Stay well,


Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.


A “Welcome Back” Message from DVD Admin

Greetings Designers,

Ms. Acuna and I wanted to extend a quick message to all of our families in preparation for the new school and returning to in-person instruction. We are so excited to be with all of you on campus!

Please review these “What’s New” slides, or watch this short 5-minute video, for important COVID safety updates and important school information. We look forward to meeting all of our new and returning students on Monday!

Yours truly,

Russell and Santa, DVD Admin

Welcome Back DVD! First Day Updates and Back to School Night

Greetings DVD Families!

We are officially one week away from the new school year, and we are so excited to be back! Our staff is back on campus and hard at work preparing to welcome students back for an excellent year. Please break out your calendars and take note of the following dates below. I am grateful and humbled to be starting my 12th season with Da Vinci Design this year, and I look forward to making this the best one yet with all of you!

Russell Stoll
DVD Principal

(Note: updated info about the 2021-2022 calendar, our new weekly schedule, and New Family Info can also be found in the “Resources” section to the right.)

The first day of school is Monday, August 16th, 2021. Students will meet their teachers outdoors, begin the day in Advisory, and will receive their class schedules in Advisory. PowerSchool access is temporarily locked while we upload student schedules. This is the DVD Week One Bell Schedule:
DVD Week 1 Bell Schedule

For the Fall 2021 semester, the high schools at 201 N. Douglas are adopting new start times in order to stagger entrance to and from campus. This is one of the many measures we are taking to ensure the health and safety of all of our students as we return to campus from distance learning. The start time for Da Vinci Design is 8:55am Monday-Thursday and the traditional “late start” for Friday is 9:25am. The end time for the school day will remain 3:55pm each day.

DVD’s new family orientation meetings are happening this week! To RSVP for one of the new family orientations happening this week, please use this link to access the New DVD Families FAQs page.

Class of 2022 Cap & Gown photos are 8/12 & 10/15. To reserve a time to take your cap and gown photos, click here. 

DVD plans to host Back-to-School Night on the third week of school on Thursday September 2nd. More details to follow.

As with most things, these events are subject to change based upon evolving COVID health guidelines and policies. We will keep you updated each week!

Update: Per the announcement from CEO/Superintendent on August 14th, 2021, the Overnighter event for 9th and 10th graders has been postponed. See blog post on August 15th for full message and further details.

DVD Class of 2022 Cap & Gown Photo Appointments 8/12 & 10/15

Dear DVD Class of 2022 Families,

We are excited to announce that we have set up dates with our photographer for Seniors to take their “Cap & Gown” photos! You can sign up for your slot now at this Signup Genius link on a first-come, first-serve basis: DVD Senior Cap & Gown Photos 2021

Caps & Gowns will be provided at the photo appointment, and Da Vinci Schools is covering the cost of the “sitting fee” so families only need to pay for photos if they wish to purchase them after seeing them.

Spaces will go quickly, so we encourage all seniors to sign up for their slot as soon as possible! Please contact Maria Beltran at our front office with any questions: .

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