Archive for Author clevenson

Change in Leadership at Da Vinci Design

Dear Families and Friends of Da Vinci Design,

I am writing to share the news that Da Vinci Schools has accepted the resignation of Da Vinci Design Principal Russell Stoll, who is stepping down, effective June 30, 2025.

Russell joined Da Vinci Schools in 2011 and has served as principal of Da Vinci Design since 2021. Under Russell’s leadership, Da Vinci Design has flourished, recently being recognized as a Top 10 Charter School in California for Boosting College and Career Success.

Russell has had a tremendous impact on the culture and climate of Da Vinci Design, most recently leading the WASC re-accreditation process during which Design was recognized as a “model school for project-based learning and innovative projects.” Russell has provided thoughtful leadership in collaborative professional development, in commitment to innovative teaching practices, and in cultivating a school culture of inclusion and student empowerment. He has witnessed the growth of each student at Design since the first graduating class of 2013.

About his work at Da Vinci Design, Russell shared the following:

“I don’t have the words to express what an honor it has been to have Da Vinci Design as my home and my family for the last 14 years. I have the deepest gratitude for the opportunity to have grown so much within Da Vinci Schools over that time. I am so proud to have been a part of a school community that is so innovative, collaborative, caring, and does such incredible student-centered work.”

We are moving thoughtfully to hire the next Da Vinci Design principal. Russell will be part of this process to ensure a smooth transition. Da Vinci Design is well-poised for continued success.

We are extremely grateful for Russell’s outstanding leadership, positive energy, and commitment to supporting all students. We wish Russell our very best as he moves into the next chapter of his life.

With gratitude,

Matthew Wunder, Ed.D.
CEO & Superintendent
Da Vinci Schools

WDV Soccer Field – Ribbon Cutting Ceremony Set for Monday, Oct. 21

We are thrilled to invite you to join us for a ribbon-cutting ceremony of the new Wiseburn Da Vinci Soccer Field at 201 N. Douglas Street, which has generated immense excitement throughout our community. The ribbon-cutting ceremony will take place this Monday, Oct. 21 at 4:45 pm. Following the ceremony, we invite you to watch the WDV Boys Soccer practice.

Everyone is invited to the ribbon-cutting of our new state-of-the-art facility!! We look forward to sharing this beautiful new space with our students, families, and the broader community.

This project is made possible through the support of Wiseburn USD Measure EE funds.

Da Vinci Design Senior Projects and Showcase

Da Vinci’s graduating seniors are closing out the school year with final Presentations of Learning where they reflect on their learning and growth over the past four years.

At Da Vinci Design, seniors completed a six-week capstone project culminating in a Senior Showcase held at the Zimmerman Automobile Driving Museum in El Segundo on May 24th. The Senior Showcase was a special exhibition for families, friends and the entire DV community.

Da Vinci Design’s senior project is composed of four stages of the Design Process: Care, Conceptualize, Create, and Critique. Projects focused on honing students’ design skills and serving the local community, from engineering indoor gardens to supporting local animal shelters, to starting small businesses selling jewelry and crochet items, to coordinating the Senior Showcase itself!

What started as a conversation over their passion for role playing games, Anthony Roberson, Adrian Williams, Francisco Saldana, and Danica Mojonnier created a professional role playing game called MouseVale, a fantastical world beneath human’s feet where adventuring animals maneuver the dangers of modern life. The students used Natural Crit to create a 150-page MouseVale: A Player’s Guide that resembles the Dungeons and Dragons format. They also created 50 original art pieces (some shown below). In order to bring this idea to life, the students have raised over $1000 in funds through a Kickstarter campaign and cookie sales. With so much momentum growing around their game, the Design students intend to release a PDF version of the guide, then hard copies.

The Wooden Room, a community space at Da Vinci Design, was renovated into The Garden Room by seniors Eli Velasquez, Mia Gonzalez, and Renna Ady. Their goal was to create a space for learners and educators that would encourage “greater engagement and motivation toward academic pursuits”. Utilizing SketchUp software they learned in their architecture pathway course, the group first created an electronic layout of the floor plan. Once conceptualized, they created wooden wall-mount planters, raised planters, and shelves that would be placed around the room. In collaboration with Cal Terra Design, Angel Velasquez Systems, and West Coast Welding and Fabrication, the students received over 20 donated plants, lumber, tools, and consulting services to support their project. To help maintain the garden after they graduate, the seniors created a “how to” manual so others can learn how to care for the different plants in the Garden Room after they’re gone.

Without any prior experience of writing, editing, or directing short films, Ruby Yarlett, Jayla Jones, and Devin Gough created an analog horror film, Nocturnum. Sparked by Ruby’s interest in analog horror films, they reached out to Jayla and Devin and the niche analog horror community for help in bringing this idea to life. Jayla was responsible for the film’s creative animations, while Devin edited the film’s sounds and visuals.

We are so inspired and impressed by all the senior projects, and wish all Da Vinci graduates a fantastic commencement and transition into college, career and life!! We are so proud of you!!

Vocal Music/Choir Interest Form

Da Vinci is thrilled to announce we will be offering a new Vocal Music/Choir class on Mondays and Tuesdays from 4:00-6:00PM in the Black Box Theater at 201 N. Douglas St. beginning on January 17, 2023. This class is open to high school students from ALL Da Vinci schools. Students are expected to attend both days each week throughout the 2nd semester. No prior vocal music/choir experience required.

Da Vinci welcomes Alexi Paraschos as our new choir teacher. Alexi has more than 14 years of experience as a music teacher and choir director. Welcome, Alexi!

If you are interested in participating in Vocal Music/Choir, please complete the Interest Form HERE. We can’t wait to get started!

Da Vinci Extension Info Night – April 27th at 7:30PM

Da Vinci seniors and their families are invited to learn more about how Da Vinci seniors can receive FREE COLLEGE and support in their first year of college and beyond. DVX partners with El Camino College, UCLA Extension and Southern New Hampshire University to bring a supportive and unique college experience that includes career building and exploration as well life skills development, including financial literacy along with earning their college credits and college degrees — an A.A. or Bachelor’s degree all for free.

If you are planning to attend El Camino College in the Fall or are undecided about your college future, you don’t want to miss this opportunity!

Please join us on Wednesday, April 27, 2022 at 7:30PM on the DVX campus located at 550 Continental Blvd in El Segundo, or you can join us via our live stream on Zoom. Link below.

Hope to see you there!

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426

Dial in
+1 669 900 6833 US
Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426
Passcode: 60135968



Noches de Información sobre DVX para Estudiantes y Familiares

Todos los Seniors de Da Vinci y sus familiares están invitados cordialmente a hallar de cómo los Seniors de Da Vinci podrían recibir crédito universitario SIN COSTO y apoyo con su primer año de colegio y más.

Da Vinci Extension (DVX) se asocia con El Camino College, UCLA Extension y Southern New Hampshire University para provocar una experiencia única y con apoyo que incluye la exploración y el desarrollo de carrera y además el desarrollo de habilidades de vida, incluso las habilidades financieras mientras obtienen sus créditos universitarios y/o diplomado o título.

Si piensan en asistir a El Camino College en el otoño o estás indeciso/a acerca de su futuro académico, ¡no deben perder esta oportunidad!

Por favor, acompáñennos este miércoles, 27 de abril a las 7:30 de la noche en el campus de DVX ubicado a 550 Continental Blvd. El Segundo, CA 90245 o pueden participar en línea por nuestra transmición en vivo en Zoom. Por favor vean el link abajo.

¡Esperamos que los veamos!


El Equipo de DVX

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426

Dial in
+1 669 900 6833 US
Meeting ID: 986 0974 8426
Passcode: 60135968


Follow-Up Message Regarding 9/8 Social Media Threat

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students of Da Vinci Communications, Design, Science and Connect High Schools:

Earlier this week we became aware of a threat based on postings on social media that warned of a possible shooting at our campus on Wednesday, September 8th. We immediately contacted our School Resource Officers from the El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) who initiated an immediate investigation into the matter, in collaboration with Da Vinci Schools. Thanks in large part to the volume of information received from parents, students, staff, and community members, both DV and ESPD were able to successfully investigate and identify the students involved in the incident. We followed up with communication early Wednesday morning to inform all DVC, DVD, DVS and Connect High families that our schools would be open on Wednesday after having verified that the threat was deemed not to be credible.

Here are a few updates that we would like to share with you based on follow-up questions that we have received from families after the last notification went out:

– School has continued this week safely and without any further interruptions

– ESPD and DV continue to investigate the incident in order to ensure that all the issues that came to our attention this week are fully addressed

– ESPD has continued to provide their assistance as a resource to our schools

– Students at DVC, DVD, and DVS who were present on Wednesday participated in an activity that morning provided by DVC Principal Erin D’Souza that gave the students an opportunity to discuss the incident and address it in a focused and healthy manner. Connect HS students will also have this resource available to them. > School Safety Update

– All Counselors and mental health staff have been made available to students and staff to assist in any way possible to help with any anxiety, stress, and trauma generated by this incident

– Our Critical Incident Drill which was being planned for late September/early October will be moved up to be conducted as soon as possible in collaboration with ESPD and the El Segundo Fire Department

– We will continue to review and improve our critical incident communication and procedures. Thank you to the many people who have submitted suggestions and recommendations.

Lastly, many questions were posed regarding specific information about the students involved. This type of information is referred to as Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as defined in Title 34 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) 99.3. and also relates to the type of information that is categorized as a student record. Both at the state level (California Education Code 49061(b), 49076, and Title 5 California Code of Regulations 430 (b)), and the federal level through the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), 34 CFR 99.31, student records are protected as confidential records and can only be accessed as provided in law.

Thank you for your support. We will continue to provide updates as needed. Our goal remains to provide the highest level of safety possible for our students and staff.

Be well and be safe,

Vicente Bravo

Chief Administrative Officer
Da Vinci Schools
201 N. Douglas Street
Office – #1308-Musician
El Segundo, CA 90245

(424) 290-3244 direct
(310) 725-5800, Ext. 1308 main

Important Message Regarding Social Media Threat; Schools at 201 Campus Will Be in Session Today (Sept. 8, 2021)

Dear Parents/Guardians and Students of Da Vinci Communications, Design, Science and Connect High Schools:

Last night some of you may have received texts, emails and/or calls from students, parents and community members about a threat to our schools posted on a social media platform that was then further disseminated on other social media sites.

After having received the initial notification about the threat, the El Segundo Police Department (ESPD) was contacted and they immediately launched an investigation in collaboration with Da Vinci Schools regarding this matter. They were provided with all necessary information including information that we received last night from students, parents, and DV staff members. Thanks to everyone’s assistance and cooperation, the individual(s) involved were identified and the matter has been dealt with safely.

Having verified that the threat was deemed not to be credible, has been neutralized, and that those involved have been dealt with, the affected schools, DV Communications, Design, Science and Connect high schools will be open and in session today, Wednesday, September 8, 2021.

All of our safety measures will be in place as always and we will make sure to do everything possible to continue to provide a safe learning environment for our students and staff. In an abundance of caution, ESPD will have officers present on site throughout the day.

If you have any questions or further concerns, please don’t hesitate to reach out to me.

Be well and be safe,

Vicente Bravo
Chief Administrative Officer
Da Vinci Schools
201 N. Douglas Street
Office – #1308-Musician
El Segundo, CA 90245
(424) 290-3244 direct
(310) 725-5800, Ext. 1308 main

Off-Season Sports Training Survey & Athletics Blog

WDV Athletics is excited to continue our partnership with UCLA Health Sports Performance which has been providing off-season sports training for our student-athletes. To help the design and set-up of the classes, we are asking students to complete the survey below. If you have any questions, please contact WDV Athletics Director D.R. Moreland at

EXOS Off-Season Training Survey

Athletics Blog

We are excited to formally launch our new Athletics website and blog at

Please sign up for the Athletics blog to receive the latest WDV sports information. Visit:

Follow WDV Athletics on Twitter at @WDVAthletics and on Instagram wdvathletics.


Apply to participate in a virtual Job Shadow Day with RIOS (an LA Design Firm)!

WHAT: Join RIOS for a mentoring session with members of RIOS, a multi-disciplinary design firm located in Los Angeles.  These sessions provide a “day-in -the-life” experience to individuals interested in careers offered at RIOS. RIOS is a multi-disciplinary firm located in Los Angeles. Da Vinci students will be paired with a mentor whom they will “shadow” throughout the session. Students will be able to shadow a mentor in any of the following positions: 


-Landscape Architect 

-Industrial + Product Designer

-Computational Designer

WHEN: Thursday, August 5th 2021, 1-4pm via Zoom 

WHO: This program is available to Da Vinci Design students who are entering 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.

WHEN: The Shadow Day you’re applying for will be held on Thursday, August 5th, 2021 from 1-4pm via Zoom.

WHERE: This program will be held virtually via Zoom until further notice. (Eventually, we’ll transition to in-person meetings) 

HOW TO APPLY:  Complete this application by Monday, July 18th at 5pm! 

Shadow Day Schedule: Please note this may change as we switch over to in-person sessions (1PM-4PM)

  • 1-1:15pm Group Intro: Overall introduction to RIOS
  • 1:15-2pm Demonstration: Students will meet individually or in small groups with a member of the RIOS team. The RIOS member will give a description of the types of projects they are working on, the software/tools that they use to perform their jobs, and what a typical day looks like for them. 
  • 2-3pm Design Exercise: based on the student’s interests, the RIOS mentor will provide the student with an exercise to complete. This will provide the student with a hands on experience related to their career of interest. At the end of the exercise, the RIOS member will provide one-on-one feedback and support on their skills. 
  •  3-4pm Mentoring Session: The RIOS member will get to know the student. This session will provide a platform for the student to discuss their career goals, concerns and ask any questions they may have.

Shadow Day Student Flyer_20210805[1]

Shadow Day Student Flyer_20210805[2]