Week 31 Preview & Senior Activities

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

We’re back and headed into the last stretch of the school year! Can you believe it? This week, we kicked off testing season with CAASPP ELA (11th grade) and MAP testing (10th/9th grades). Next week, our 9th grade will participate in Physical Fitness Testing and 11th grade will continue with CAASPP Math. Thank you families for making sure that students come to school, on time, ready for these events.

Additionally, we wrapped up this week with our sports-themed Community Dialogue in the gym and had so much fun! We played games, announced our monthly All-Star students, and we announced the winning advisory of our March Tech Madness competition. March Tech Madness was a tournament to see which advisory could consistently keep lowering their screen time on their phones, week after week, for the month of March. Congratulations to Ms. Guilkey-Santos’s advisory!

Because of CAASPP testing, 11th grade will be following a slightly modified schedule next week. Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 31:

Senior Activities: Class of 2024

As we get closer to the end of the school year, we are gearing up for Senior events that celebrate our graduating Class of 2024!

Calendar Dates for Senior Events:

  • Prom: Friday, May 3rd, 2024 (@ Wallis Annenberg Hall, USC)
  • Grad Nite: Friday, May 31st, 2024 (@ Disneyland & CA Adventure)
  • Graduation: Thursday, June 6th, 2024 – 1pm ceremony start (@ WDV Gym, 201 N. Douglas)

*For questions about Senior Activities, including Prom or Graduation, please see reach out to Asst. Principal Kirk Takeyama, ktakeyama@davincischools.org*

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Mon, Apr. 15th: Optional SAT Test Day (by sign up only)
  • Mon, Apr. 15th + Tues, Apr. 16th: Physical Fitness Testing (9th Grade)
  • Wed, Apr. 17th + Thurs, Apr. 18th: CAASPP State Testing: Math (11th Grade)
  • Fri, Apr. 19th: DVD Senior Beach Day
  • Wed, Apr. 24th: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #4:
  • Fri, April 26th: Round 2 Progress Reports Sent Home

April Edition of DVD Coffee with Admin Today at 8am and 5pm

Good Morning DVD Parents and Guardians!

Today at 8am and 5pm, join the DVD admin team for our monthly “Coffee with Admin” chat. Simply join via Zoom and bring any school-related questions, or sit back and hear about school updates. Hope to see you there!

Wed, April 10th: Coffee w/ Admin

  • All parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team
  • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
  • Agenda: 1) Campus Updates & Highlights, 2) Upcoming Calendar Events, 3) Testing Info and Updates, 4) Teens on Social Media, 5) Q&A
  • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069

Happy Spring Break, Designers!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Wishing you all a safe, restful and fun Spring Break! Tomorrow, our campus is closed in honor of the Cesar Chavez holiday. Our campus is closed next week (4/1-4/5) for Spring Break.

We will return for classes on Monday, April 8th. See you then!

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Fri, Mar. 29th – Cesar Chavez Holiday (No School)
  • Mon, Apr. 1st – Fri, Apr. 5th: Spring Break (No School)
  • Mon, April 8th: Return from Spring Break
  • Wed, April 10th: Coffee w/ Admin
    • All parents and guardians welcome! Join for brief school updates and open Q&A with the DVD admin team
    • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom
    • Agenda: TBD
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Wed, Apr. 10th + Thurs, Apr. 11th: CAASPP State Testing: English (11th Grade) and MAP Testing (9th/10th)
  • Mon, Apr 15th: Optional SAT Test Day (by sign up only)
  • Wed, Apr. 17th + Thurs, Apr. 18th: CAASPP State Testing: Math (11th Grade)

Announcements from Real World Learning Director (3.26.2024)

Hello Da Vincians,

Don’t miss this networking opportunity at Belkin Global Headquarters on Wednesday, April 10th!

Belkin is hosting an exciting Spring Fling Career Event scheduled for Wednesday, April 10. This event is exclusively tailored for Da Vinci students in grades 7-12. They will be engaging with professionals from companies such as Google, Paramount, Savage Fenty, Snapchat, TechStyle Fashion Group, and Belkin. Transportation will be provided from the 201 N. Douglas St. El Segundo campus. Busses will be leaving at 9:30 am and returning at 1:30 pm. Lunch will be provided to all attendees. Spots are limited! To RSVP, please click here.

If you have any questions please contact Ms. Crissel Rodriguez, Director of Real World Learning, at crodriguez@davincischools.org.
Learn more about amazing RWL Opportunities here!

Prom Gown and Tuxedo giveaway

Hello DVD Seniors!

Please click the photo below for information on the Prom Gown and Tuxedo Giveaway!  Additionally, if any families have slightly used or new dresses, tuxedos or suits that you want to donate, please contact The Glass Slipper Foundation by using the following email:



Week 29 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

Congratulations to all of our 9th, 10th, and 11th grade students and teachers on such an awesome, smooth Exhibition Night experience last night! Students were on their A-game, the work was full of depth and connection, and the energy on campus was electric. Thank you families and DVD community for showing up and sharing all of your support! See photos below from Spring 2024 Exhibition Night!

See the bell schedule for Week 29 here:

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Mon, Mar. 25th: 9th Grade college field trip
  • Wed, Mar. 27th: 10th Grade college field trip
  • Fri, Mar. 29th – Cesar Chavez Holiday (No School)
  • Mon, Apr. 1st – Fri, Apr. 5th: Spring Break (No School)
  • Mon, April 8th: Return from Spring Break
  • Wed, Apr. 10th + Thurs, Apr. 11th: CAASPP State Testing: English (11th Grade) and MAP Testing (9th/10th)
  • Mon, Apr 15th: Optional SAT Test Day
  • Wed, Apr. 17th + Thurs, Apr. 18th: CAASPP State Testing: Math (11th Grade)

Week 28 Campus Highlight: Exhibition Night!

Optional Junior SAT Day

Dear Juniors and families,
DVD is hosting an optional opportunity to take the SAT on April 15th. DVD 11th-grade students can opt-in to take the SAT during this school day, free of charge, by completing the Spring 2024 DVD Opt-In SAT form by Wednesday, March 27th (a Da Vinci account is required to fill out the form). If there is a lot of interest, priority will be given to students in the order they sign up. Please direct questions to your/your students’ counselor.
Thank you,
DVD Counseling Team

Week 28: Exhibition Night on Thursday!

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

This week is Exhibition Night! Exhibition Night is happening at the Da Vinci Design campus from 5:30pm-7:30pm on Thursday, March 21st. Students have been working for weeks and months in preparation to display all of their hard work. Families, friends and neighbors are all welcome. Please come and be ready to see some mind-blowing projects!

Last week on Friday, March 18th, we welcomed back DVD alumni for an special day of connection and community on our campus. It was so special to hear what our graduates as far back as 2013 (our first graduating class!) have accomplished since graduating, and how DVD helped set them up for success. Thank you to all of our alumni who were able to attend, and to our Alumni Coordinator Pam Baker for setting up this great event. See photos below! Are you a DVD alum and want to know more about upcoming alumni events? Email DVD Alumni Coordinator Pam Baker at pbaker@davincischools.org for info.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 28:

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Wed, March 20th: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #3:
    • *5pm via Zoom*
    • Agenda: 1) Public Comment, 2) WASC Introduction, 3) LCAP: Goal 3 + 4 Review, 4) Meeting Reflections
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Thursday, Mar. 21st, 5:30pm-7:30pm: Exhibition Night! (9th/10th/11th Grades)
  • Fri, Mar. 29th – Cesar Chavez Holiday (No School)
  • Mon, Apr. 1st – Fri, Apr. 5th: Spring Break (No School)
  • Mon, April 8th: Return from Spring Break
  • Wed, Apr. 10th + Thurs, Apr. 11th: CAASPP State Testing: English (11th Grade) and MAP Testing (9th/10th)
  • Wed, Apr. 17th + Thurs, Apr. 18th: CAASPP State Testing: Math (11th Grade)

Week 27 Campus Highlight: Alumni Day!


Week 27 Preview

Greetings Designers and Design Families,

In honor of NCAA March Madness, Da Vinci Design is hosting March TECH Madness this month! This is a friendly competition where all students and teachers will track their screen time every week during the month of March. The advisory classes which has the lowest screen time each week will move forward in a tournament bracket, until we have one advisory that is our grand champion! Today we celebrated with a Sports Jersey spirit day. See photos from our March Madness spirit day below! 

Next week is SLC week! Every student is expected to participate in leading an SLC this semester with a parent / guardian present. SLCs happen in-person and on campus. Having a family member present is an important part of the process. Thank you for doing your part and showing up for your child for their SLC! See grade level resources below.

This week, Da Vinci Schools administration also focused on outreach to our DV parent/guardian community regarding some concerning trends in how our teens engage on social media. We sent out a letter regarding social media to all DV families with resources for parents. At DVD this week, we also made social media the focus of our monthly “Coffee with Admin” Q&A session. Click here for the March Coffee with Admin slides, or use the DVD Parent Info Sessions & Coffee with Admin Slides link under the “Resources” column on the blog to find more information.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 27: DVD SLC Week:

Student Led Conferences (SLCs): Grade Level Resources

Please see the letter to families here for more details about SLCs. This letter was sent home with progress reports, and has helpful reminders about SLCs for parents/guardians.

Schedule reminder: We have minimum days Mon-Thurs (3/11-3/14) during SLC week. Students will be released at 1:45pm. Friday (3/15) will be a Professional Development day for teachers and school will not be in session.

Upcoming Events and Other Key Dates:

  • Mon, Mar. 11th – Thurs, Mar. 14th: Student Led Conferences (SLCs)
  • Fri, Mar. 15th – Professional Development Day (No School)
  • Wed, March 20th: Parent Advisory Committee Meeting #3:
    • 8am or 5pm, via Zoom (in person not available this month)
    • Agenda: 1) Public Comment, 2) WASC Introduction, 3) LCAP: Goal 3 + 4 Review, 4) Meeting Reflections
    • Zoom Link: https://zoom.us/j/8331212069
  • Thursday, Mar. 21st: Exhibition Night! (9th/10th/11th Grades)

Week 26 Campus Highlight: Sports Jersey Spirit Day

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