Da Vinci is launching a new Apparel and Merchandise store that will be open for a limited pre-order period on MySchoolBucks!
Students, families and staff can pre-order pullover or zip-up hoodies and polo shirts in youth to adult sizes with your school’s two-color, silk-screened logo. In addition, you can order limited edition 15th Anniversary ceramic mugs and water bottles, and new Da Vinci tote bags!
Place your order today through MySchoolBucks.
The pre-order period ends on Sunday, Nov. 19th at 11:59 p.m.
Once the pre-ordered items are produced, they will be delivered to each school site for distribution through your front offices.
Students are getting ready for Red Ribbon Week® here at Da Vinci Communications, Design, and Science!
What Is Red Ribbon Week? It is a way for people and communities to unite and take a visible stand against drugs and celebrate healthy lifestyle choices and habits. We hope to have students show their personal commitment to a drug-free and healthy lifestyle through participation in various activities October 23 – 27th. We will have a “wear red day” and see health related content in classes and presentations.
This year’s theme is: “Be Kind To Your Mind. Live Drug Free”. We hope to strengthen anti-drug-use attitudes and norms through sharing information. Please partner with us and discuss this message at home, at the dinner table, at family outings, and with friends and extended family. Ask your child to tell you about things they hear at school about Red Ribbon Week®!
Join us Tuesday October 24, 2023 6:30-7:45p in person, or on zoom, for a parent workshop on Substance Abuse Prevention featuring LA County Dept of Public Health Substance Abuse Counselor Steve Cagle. Learn about health and social impacts of substance use, what to look for with your own child, how to intervene when you have concerns and additional resources and supports available. Located at 201 N Douglas Street in the Blackbox Theater, you will have the chance to see various vapes, devices and products. Webinar link for Tues. October 24th: https://davincischools-org.zoom.us/j/96721710993
Save the date Thursday, October 26th 3:30-6:30pm Da Vinci Schools is hosting a mobile vaccination clinic for those wanting a free Flu shot or new COVID booster! Located at 201 N Douglas Street in the Multi-Purpose Room, walk-ins are welcome. This is a community event where all staff, students, families and friends are invited! Must be at least 5 years old to participate.
One fun way to start or continue the conversation about drug prevention and healthy lifestyle choices with your children AND have a chance to win an iPad? National Family Partnership is sponsoring a photo contest. The photo contest is free, simple and you could win an iPad and $1,000 for our school!! Log onto www.redribbon.org and find out more!
Our community partner, South Bay Families Connected, offers our families a variety of youth wellness resources. For Mental Health Awareness Month, we feature their resource pages covering trending youth wellness topics on the minds of parents and caregivers:
The Del Aire Neighborhood Association (DNA) is looking for 1-2 high-school student leaders who want to serve as YOUTH BOARD REPRESENTATIVES who can help the organization grow, plan community events, and advocate for neighborhood improvements like the Greenway! You can find the application here – apply by April 19th.
Application requirements:
Must be a Del Aire resident
Must be able to commit to serving for 2 years. (so, ideally, incoming freshmen, sophomores and Juniors should apply.
This is a great opportunity for students to participate on the Board and provide a forum to learn about local government and help shape the community.
For more information, please contact Jessica Nolan Daugherty, President of the Del Aire Neighborhood Association at 714-390-6301.
Interested in a fun after school activity? The Da Vinci Tennis Club is offering free group tennis lessons with a professional coach to ten students! Lessons will be every Monday from May 1 to June 5 except Memorial Day. We’ll provide tennis racquets and balls, come ready to play. Email dvwolvestennis@gmail.com to sign up!
As College Decision Day approaches on May 1, families may want to take a moment to learn about the College Level Examination Program (CLEP) for students to potentially earn college credit and test out of certain general education courses at 2,900 participating colleges across the U.S.
Administered by the College Board, CLEP is a non-school sponsored opportunity. CLEP exams allow students who are already proficient in a particular subject(s) to test out of introductory courses and move to more advanced courses sooner, saving time and money toward their degree. Students take CLEP exams at an official CLEP test center or at home with remote proctoring. Students receives scores immediately after completing the exam except for College Composition and Spanish with Writing.
Please join us at the Black El Camino College Expo on Wednesday, April 5th from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm in the east dining room! Come explore the many opportunities built to help you succeed. Join us for one-on-one conversations with representatives from programs across campus, Transfer and Financial Aid resource workshops, campus tours, enrollment assistance, games, prizes, free food, and more!
Join us for an upcoming seminar with Dr. Vince Bertram, a renowned international speaker, and New York Times best-selling author dedicated to transforming career learning for students worldwide. Discover how to prepare your student for success in work and life by learning about the value of a college education, skills that matter more than a degree, and the outlook for today’s job market. Space is limited. RSVP here to reserve your spot today!
Summer courses at El Camino College are an excellent way to learn more about your career pathway(s) of interest! ECC Summer classes run from June 19-August 10.
We encourage you to consider registering for any of these you find interesting, regardless of which school you attend or which pathway you are currently in. More information about class meeting days and times can be found here (Select “summer” for the term)→
The classes listed below are an opportunity for you to learn more about your particular area(s) of interest and will be valuable additions to your resume and college applications, but they are not transferable for high school graduation credit and will not go on your Da Vinci transcript.
To register for a summer course at El Camino College, please follow the steps described on the next page.
If you would like any help, please contact your counselor.
Career Pathway
Relevant Summer Courses at El Camino College
ARCH 119 (CAD Drawing & Modeling)
ARCH 172 (Architectural Color Rendering Techniques)
*BUS 20 (Business Management)
BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)
CTEC 141 (Interior Finishes)
*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)
*courses offered online
Biomedical Engineering
*MEDT 1 (Medical Terminology)
*CH 1 (Personal & Community Health Issues)
*CDEV 103 (Child Growth & Development)
*NURS 143 (Introduction to Nursing)
NURS 146 (Health Assessment)
*courses offered online
Business Management
*BUS 20 (Business Management)
BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)
ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)
*courses offered online
Computer Science
*CSCI 1 (Problem Solving & Program Design in C++)
*CSCI 3 (Computer Programming in Java)
*CIS 13 (Computer Information Systems)
*courses offered online
Civil Engineering
*ARCH 100 (Orientation to Architecture)
ARCH 119 (CAD Drawing & Modeling)
ARCH 172 (Architectural Color Rendering Techniques)
CADD 5 (Intro to Mechanical Drafting)
CTEC 100 (Building Fundamentals)
*CTEC 160 (Business & Legal Aspects of Contracting)
CTEC 180 (Residential Plumbing)
WELD 15 (Basic Welding for Allied Fields)
*courses offered online
*BUS 20 (Business Management)
BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)
ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)
*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)
*courses offered online
Graphic Design
ART 110 (Drawing Fundamentals I)
*ART 130 (Two-Dimensional Design I)
*ART 141 (Digital Art Fundametals)
*courses offered online
*BUS 20 (Business Management)
BUS 25 (Introduction to Business)
ECON 100 (Fundamentals of Economics)
*FASH 1 (Career Opportunities in Fashion)
*COMS 100 (Public Speaking)
*courses offered online
Mechanical Engineering
*ENGR 1 (Intro to Engineering)
MTT 101 (Intro to Conventional & CNC Machining)
MTEC 70 (Basic Robotics)
ECHT 11 (Introduction to Electronics)
WELD 15 (Basic Welding for Allied Fields)
*courses offered online
Media Production
*FILM 105 (Media Aesthetics)
FILM 110 (Film Appreciation)
*courses offered online
Multimedia Journalism
*FILM 105 (Media Aesthetics)
*COMS 100 (Public Speaking)
*courses offered online
If you are interested in enrolling in a course, please complete the following steps:
After submitting, you will receive your Welcome Email (with 7-digit El Camino College ID #) in 1-3 business days at the personal email address given on your application.
Once you apply to ECC and receive your ECC ID, you must complete a Dual Enrollment Application.
Students must submit a completed Dual Enrollment Application for each term they wish to registered for. Once the student and parents complete the Dual Enrollment Form, please contact your counselor to obtain their signature in Section III of the Form
Next, email the completed Dual Enrollment Form, with signatures from student, parent and counselor to: dualenrollment@elcamino.edu
As previously mentioned, Da Vinci Communications, Da Vinci Design, and Da Vinci Science will be conducting a Critical Incident drill on Thursday, February 2, 2023. This drill is a normal part of our continued efforts each year to maintain a safe and peaceful school environment. The drill will take place at 10:30 a.m. and will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. Teachers have been working with students during Advisory classes to prepare for this drill.
As part of our safety and emergency procedures, Da Vinci Schools has adopted elements of the “Run-Hide-Fight” program designed to provide various options to our students and staff. Our drill will focus on the “HIDE” component which is also referred to as “shelter in place”. Other components will be practiced during our Fire Drills planned for next month. During the drill, students will have a chance to practice the proper response if a critical incident were to occur such as an intruder on campus or any other incident requiring a lockdown of the school. Please help us by reminding them to:
Listen and follow the instructions of their teacher or staff member in the room at the time of the drill
Stay quiet during the duration of the drill
Silence/turn off their cell phones and to remain off of them during the duration of the drill
Wait for the “All Clear” announcement to indicate the drill has concluded
Our School Resource Officer, Officer Josh Gilberts will be joined by other officers from the El Segundo Police Department as well as members of the El Segundo Fire Department who will be joining our site administrators in observing the drill and providing feedback on our processes and procedures. Staff and students will debrief this week regarding the drill to get their input and recommendations in order to continue to improve our response efforts.
Please keep in mind that in order for the schools to remain informed and responsive, parents and students are encouraged to report any concerns or potential threats to the school. If you have any questions regarding this drill or any of our other safety procedures, please do not hesitate to contact the administration or front office of your child’s school. Thank you for your continued cooperation and support in maintaining the safety and welfare of our students and staff.
Para obtener este anuncio en español por favor mande un correo electrónico con su solicitud a info@davincischools.org. Gracias!