9th/10th Grade Family College Planning Information Session

Hello DVD 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Families,

On Thursday, May 2nd we welcome DVD 9th and 10th grade families and on Wednesday May 8th we invite DVD 11th grade families to join us from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Blackbox on the first floor of the 201 campus, for their College Planning Information Sessions.

9th & 10th Grade Click here to reserve your spot.

11th Grade Click HERE to reserve your spot.

All students and parents/guardians are welcome!  Please contact a DVD counselor with any questions!

Pam Baker                             Nicole Tafoya                                    Omar Sanchez

Pbaker@davincischools.org     ntafoya@davincischools.org     osanchez@davincischools.org


We hope to see you there!