Archive for December 6, 2023

Announcements from Real World Learning Director (12.6.2023)

Hello Da Vinci Families,

We hope you are all enjoying the fall season! As we continue striving to support all our students to reach their goals beyond high school, we are excited to learn more about the real-world impact our school is having on your lives.

During this semester, our school blogs have been promoting exciting real-world experiences, from eye-opening career events to connecting students to inspiring people. We want to capture the essence of these moments and celebrate the impact they have on our community.

How Can You Contribute?

We invite you to share your personal photos, quotes, anecdotes, or stories related to the real-world experiences we’ve highlighted on our announcements. Your contributions will not only help us create a more vibrant and connected community but also showcase the unique and valuable experiences our school provides.

What to Share:

  • Memorable photos from school events or outings.
  • Quotes or reflections from your child about their favorite experiences.
  • Anecdotes or stories that highlight the positive impact of our real-world learning initiatives.

How to Submit:

  • Email your contributions to or text them to 424-209-7683.
  • Include your child’s name, Da Vinci School, grade, and a brief description with each submission.
  • Feel free to share as much or as little as you’d like – every contribution is valued!

Deadline for Submissions: Friday, December 15

We look forward to seeing the world through your eyes and sharing these moments with our extended Da Vinci family! 

Week 16 Preview: Progress Reports and POLs Coming Soon!

Greetings Designers and Design Families!

It was great to be back on campus with students this week as we gear up for the end of the first semester. On Wednesday, our student Leadership team hosted a record-breaking blood drive with the UCLA Health Center. Thank you to all who donated!

Congratulations to all of our Seniors for getting their UC/CSU applications this week! We are expecting big things from the Class of 2024, and are so proud of them as they make their way through the college application process. AND – we could not do it without the amazing work of our counselors and our College and Career Readiness teacher. Thank you  Ms. Pam, Ms. Nicole, Mr. Sanchez and Mr. Palafox!

Progress reports are being mailed home today, December 1st. The purpose of this is to give families the opportunity to have a snapshot of student progress, and to be able to have a conversation at home with students about how to stay successful in school. This information will also be used by teachers and counselors in their plans to support all students. Please follow up with your child’s teachers directly with any questions about assignments or grades.

If you do not receive a progress report in the mail by Friday, 10/6, please reach out by calling Da Vinci Design at 310-725-5800, or send an email Office Manager Maria Beltran at to request a digital progress report for your child.

Here is the Bell Schedule for Week 16 at DVD:

Presentations of Learning (POLs) are coming in just two weeks! POLs are performance based assessments which give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills, and they give students space to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will be happy to accommodate.

Here is the Bell Schedule for upcoming POL Weeks 17 & 18:

Upcoming Events and Key Dates:

  • Friday, December 1st: Progress Reports Mailed Home
  • Wed, Dec. 6th + Thurs Dec. 7th: Last Day of Seminars
  • Friday, Dec. 8th: Holiday Community Dialogue!
  • Thursday, Dec. 14th – Thursday, Dec. 21st: Presentations of Learning (POLs) – MINIMUM DAYS
    • Early release of students at 1:45pm each day
    • *Special start on Friday, Friday Dec. 15th at 8:40am*
  • Thursday, Dec. 21st: Last Day of Semester One
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