Advisory Topic: Personal Devices and Cell Phones

Greetings Designers and DVD Families,

Today in advisory, with the help of our student Leadership team, we had a conversation about resetting our expectations around using personal devices like cell phones and headphones in classrooms. Coming back from distance learning, teachers and staff have seen an increase of students being distracted by phones and headphones in class. So, we are making a campus-wide commitment today to “hit the reset button” and be more mindful about how we use personal electronics.

We are asking students to:

  • Keep devices out of sight and out of mind during class.
  • Follow reminders and requests from teachers to use technology appropriately.
  • Sign on to our campus-wide recommitment to all do our part.

In addition to this, teachers will be doing their part to help reset expectations by:

  • Using visual cues and signs in class to tell students clearly when personal devices may or may not be allowed.
  • Giving reminders at the beginning of classes.
  • Holding students accountable and being consistent.

As parents, we need your help, too! Please consider the following:

  • Have a conversation with your students today about the importance of avoiding distractions like phones/headphones and staying focused in class.
  • Reassure students that it is okay to contact you via text or call while they are at school, but that it should happen during passing periods or lunch.
  • Understand that school policy that says cell phones and headphones should not be out during class unless instructed by teachers; students who misuse personal devices after direct reminders may have the device held by the teacher/front office, and may receive a call home, per DVD Student and Family Handbook.
  • As a parent/guardian, please contact the school if you need to get in touch with your child or if you are picking them up early.

If you would like to see the slides shared in Advisory class today, click here. Thank you families for your support!