Archive for Author Nicole Tafoya

Wellness Screener and OPT OUT

Dear DVD Families,

The number of youth nationally experiencing anxiety and depression has risen 30% in recent years according to U.S. Health and Human Services. In an effort to be more proactive in supporting students’ mental health, a wellness screener will be given on September 16th and September 18th to all students during advisory at Da Vinci Design HS to identify students who may need support. Results from the screener will be used by the counselors to offer students interventions such as coping skills groups, counselor check ins, and referrals for therapy.

Scores will not be shared with students or parents/guardians. Parent/guardian consent is required if a student is referred to receive counseling services delivered by Antioch or Luminarias therapists. If you would like your student to OPT-OUT and NOT PARTICIPATE in the screener, please fill out the form by Monday, September 16th.

Be Well,
DVD Counselors



Save the Date! Virtual 12th Grade College and Career Family Planning Meeting Monday 9/9

Who: DVD 12th Grade Students and Parents/Guardians

What: Senior Family College & Career Planning Presentation (before Senior 1:1 meetings starting next week)

Where: Zoom:

When: Monday 9/9/24 at 5:00 p.m.

The information covered is necessary to have prior to attending the 12th grade 1:1 individual planning meeting. 1:1 meetings will begin after the zoom presentation. Students received sign up links in their College and Career Classes.

Please contact your counselor for questions.

Pam Baker: A-GL

Nicole Tafoya: Go-O

Omar Sanchez: P-Z

May is Mental Health Awareness Month

Our community partner, South Bay Families Connected, offers our families a variety of youth wellness resources. For Mental Health Awareness Month, we feature their resource pages covering trending youth wellness topics on the minds of parents and caregivers:


Visit our own Da Vinci Families Connected page for more youth wellness resources from Da Vinci Schools and SBFC.

10th Grade Parent/Guardian Community Group

Dear 10th Grade Parents/Guardians,

You are invited to the final session of DVD’s 10th Grade Parent/Guardian Community Group, Thursday May 16th from 7:00-8:00 p.m. on zoom. No prior attendance is required! All 10th grade parents/guardians are invited and encouraged to attend.

More information and RSVP QR code are below.

We hope to see you there!


Reminder for 11th grade families!

Reminder 11th Grade Families,

Tomorrow, May 8th we invite DVD 11th grade families to join us from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Blackbox on the first floor of the 201 campus, for their Spring College Planning Information Session.

Click HERE to reserve your spot.

All students and parents/guardians are welcome!  Please contact a DVD counselor with any questions!

Pam Baker                             Nicole Tafoya                                    Omar Sanchez


We hope to see you there!


Teacher Appreciation Week

Greetings Da Vinci Design Families,

May 6th – May 10th is Teacher Appreciation Week! Feel free to join us in appreciating our staff by helping to provide some treats for our staff this week. Sign up below to drop off some items on the morning on select days for the week of May 6-10th.


If you sign up to drop off a treat for teachers, thank you! Please mark the items “For DVD Teacher Appreciation” and bring it to the first floor reception area. The items will be sent up to the fourth floor from there.

Here are some DVD staff favorites:

  • Bagels
  • Donuts
  • Cookies / Brownies/candy
  • Fruit
  • Sparkling Waters
  • Coffee
  • Chips

Words of Appreciation: There is nothing that means more to school staff than words of appreciation or encouragement. Please consider handwriting a note of thanks or typing one digitally here: Appreciation Notes. Handwritten notes can be dropped off to the office anytime during the week.

On behalf of the Da Vinci Design staff, thank you!


DVD Admin Team


9th/10th Grade Family College Planning Information Session

Hello DVD 9th, 10th and 11th Grade Families,

On Thursday, May 2nd we welcome DVD 9th and 10th grade families and on Wednesday May 8th we invite DVD 11th grade families to join us from 5:30pm-6:30pm in the Blackbox on the first floor of the 201 campus, for their College Planning Information Sessions.

9th & 10th Grade Click here to reserve your spot.

11th Grade Click HERE to reserve your spot.

All students and parents/guardians are welcome!  Please contact a DVD counselor with any questions!

Pam Baker                             Nicole Tafoya                                    Omar Sanchez


We hope to see you there!


Optional Junior SAT Day

Dear Juniors and families,
DVD is hosting an optional opportunity to take the SAT on April 15th. DVD 11th-grade students can opt-in to take the SAT during this school day, free of charge, by completing the Spring 2024 DVD Opt-In SAT form by Wednesday, March 27th (a Da Vinci account is required to fill out the form). If there is a lot of interest, priority will be given to students in the order they sign up. Please direct questions to your/your students’ counselor.
Thank you,
DVD Counseling Team
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