Week 37 Preview: 10th Grade Pathways Selection & POLs Begin Next Week!

Greetings Designers and Designer Families,

We’ve almost made it! We are in the final stretch of the semester, and POLs are around the corner. POL Schedules means that we follow minimum day schedules May 31st – June 8th – school begins at 8:55am and school ends at 1:55pm every day.

See the Week 37 and 38 POL schedule here:

We hope you have a terrific Memorial Day Weekend and wish to extend a special word of gratitude to all those who have served or are currently serving in our country’s armed forces. Thank you for your service!

Next week is the beginning of Presentations of Learning! POLs give students the opportunity to develop their speaking and presentation skills and are an opportunity for students to reflect publicly on their learning. Because these are formal presentations, students are expected to wear formal attire. Any student in need of formal attire, please contact the front office and we will do our best to accommodate.

For specific details and schedules regarding POLs, please reach out to your student’s grade level teachers.

10th Grade Design Pathways Selection Resources

10th grade students and parents: After CD today, Sophomores received a presentation about the Design Pathways Selection Process. Please look at the resource posted here so that you can help discuss this important decision as a family:
Additionally, DVD will host a Pathways “Open House” on Tuesday, May 31st, from 2pm-3pm in Pathways Classrooms (4th floor). ALL Sophomore should attend! Parents/Families are welcome to attend provided that they follow Covid protocols and procedures.
The final decision will be made in their Sophomore art classes as part of their POLs. ALL Sophomores must complete the Pathways Selection Survey in order to have their preference considered for their 11th grade courses.
For questions, please reach out to your counselor.

Key Events & Upcoming Dates:

  • May 30th, Monday: NO SCHOOL – Memorial Day Holiday
  • May 31st – June 7th: POL Schedules (minimum days – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 8th, Wednesday: Last Day of School (minimum day – school ends at 1:55pm)
  • June 9th: Graduation Ceremony, 5:00pm *Time Corrected* – at 201 N. Douglas St. Campus (must have ticket to attend)
  • June 14th: Summer Session 1 begins (by referral from counselors)