Coffee w/ Admin #1 Link & SSC Voting Open
Hello DVD Parents and Family Members,
Coffee with Admin #1: Tomorrow, 9/9/21 at 8am and 5pm via Zoom.
Ms. Acuña and I would like to invite you to join us for virtual coffee tomorrow, Thursday Sept. 9th! This will be the first “Coffee with Admin” session for the 2021-2022 school year. There will be two sessions held: one at 8am and one at 5pm. Both sessions will be held via zoom using this link:
- Zoom Link: Coffee with Admin (DVD – Sept 9th)
This month, we will be talking about: a) Introductions, b) Emergency Procedures and Preparedness, and c) Resources on DVD Website. ALL members of the DVD learning community are welcome, but these meetings are specifically dedicated to parents and guardians.
School Site Council: Voting Open
Voting for our School Site Council is open and will remain open until 4pm on Friday, 9/10. Click here to vote on parent representatives for the School Site Council.