DVX Family Info Night

Hello Da Vinci Seniors and Families,

DVX will be hosting a third family information night on March 28th at 6pm at the 201 campus in the Multi-Purpose Room. Come join us to for an information presentation and Q & A time.

2019-20 Interest Form and online application are now live! You can access by clicking the following links:

– DVX Interest Form

docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfls8TxQINszL3zTdsVlFbGNbQpdu98nQRjZ_QG37Mb63H37A/viewform?usp=sf_link if you are considering DVX as one of your college options, please feel free to fill out this form. A DVX staff member will contact you to answer questions and discuss how the program fits your educational and career goals.

– DVX Online Application

docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdlPkv7E3PQUrrQRcTkeiDIDkl-dhCW-ZhCGcV5v9hmNGtYOQ/viewform?usp=sf_link>- once you submit the application, a DVX staff member will contact you to set up an in-person meeting.

We hope to see you all there!